SMEunited aisbl

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Registration as it was on 18 Sep 2024
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Lobbying Costs

1,250,000€ - 1,499,999€

Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

10.75 Fte (13)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    SMEunited aisbl   (SMEunited)

    EU Transparency Register

    55820581197-35 First registered on 20 Feb 2009

    Goals / Remit

    SMEunited is the employer’s organisation representing the interests of European crafts, trades and SMEs at EU level. As the European SME umbrella organisation, SMEunited incorporates more than 65 member organisations consisting of national cross-sectorial SME federations, European branch federations and other associate members, which support the SME family. Across the whole of Europe, SMEunited represents over 12 million enterprises with nearly 55 million employees.

    The main objectives of SMEunited include:

    - Monitoring the EU policy and legislative process and keeping its members informed on all matters of European Union policy of relevance to crafts, trades and SMEs
    - Representing and promoting the interests, needs and opinions of its member organisations to the EU institutions and other international organisations
    - Supporting its members academically, technically and legally on all areas of EU policy
    - Supporting the idea of European integration and contributing to (...)

    Main EU files targeted

    In principle all policies and all legislative files that can have an influence on SMEs.
    To have an update on these please consult our website:
    SMEunited endeavours to ensure that the interests of crafts and SMEs are taken into account in all legislation that has an impact on them. The key legislative areas in which SMEunited is active include:- Economic and fiscal policy ;- Education and vocational training (lifelong learning, recognition and transparency of qualifications, EIT);- Employment and social affairs (European Social Dialogue, labour law, social protection, social inclusion);- Enterprise policy (standardisation);- Environmental policy (sustainable development, chemicals, waste policy, energy policy, climate change);- Internal market and legal affairs (better regulation, consumer protection, IPR, company law, );- Regional policy and structural funds;- Sectoral policies (construction, healthcare, foodstuffs, retail, tourism, transport);


    Head Office
    Rue Jacques de Lalaingstraat 4
    Brussels 1040
    EU Office
    Rue Jacques de Lalaingstraat 4
    Brussels 1040


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time

    10 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 21 Sep 2024

    Name Start date End Date
    Véronique Willems 01 Jun 2024 31 May 2026
    Mathilde CREGUT 16 Feb 2024 14 Feb 2025
    Valentina GUERRA 06 Jun 2023 06 Jun 2024
    Katja HEINE 16 Feb 2024 14 Feb 2025
    Fabian HAYBACH 10 Feb 2024 07 Feb 2025
    Petri SALMINEN 10 Feb 2024 07 Feb 2025
    Andreas BRIEGER 16 Feb 2024 14 Feb 2025
    Doris RABETGE 06 Dec 2023 05 Dec 2024
    Julien BOURGEOIS 17 Nov 2023 15 Nov 2024
    Sophia ZAKARI 23 Mar 2024 02 Oct 2024
    Boglarka KIRALY 16 Feb 2024 14 Feb 2025
    Veronique WILLEMS 21 Jun 2023 27 Jun 2024
    Mathilde CREGUT 10 Oct 2023 16 Feb 2024
    Ms Natalia RICHARDSON 22 Jun 2023 06 Dec 2023
    Sophia ZAKARI 15 Mar 2023 15 Mar 2024
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 15 Mar 2023 06 Dec 2023
    Boglarka KIRALY 23 Feb 2023 16 Feb 2024
    Andreas BRIEGER 24 Jan 2023 24 Jan 2024
    Valentina GUERRA 01 Jun 2022 01 Jun 2023
    Veronique WILLEMS 21 May 2022 20 May 2023
    Ms Natalia RICHARDSON 30 Apr 2022 29 Apr 2023
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 06 Apr 2022 06 Apr 2023
    Sophia ZAKARI 22 Mar 2022 15 Mar 2023
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 22 Mar 2022 15 Mar 2023
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 25 Feb 2020 25 Feb 2021
    Mr Guido LENA 12 Feb 2020 01 Mar 2021
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 10 Sep 2019 10 Sep 2020
    Ms Katarzyna Ewa KOZIOL 21 Feb 2019 09 Feb 2020
    Mr Guido LENA 21 Feb 2019 12 Feb 2020
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 07 Feb 2019 25 Feb 2020
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 08 Sep 2018 10 Sep 2019
    Ms Katre RUGO 07 Jul 2018 08 Sep 2018
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 03 Jan 2018 16 Dec 2018
    Mr Arnold DE BOER 03 Jan 2018 09 Nov 2018
    Veronique WILLEMS 01 Oct 2017 22 Sep 2018
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 19 Sep 2017 08 Sep 2018
    Ms Chiara Aprea 08 Sep 2017 06 Sep 2018
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 07 Jan 2017 03 Jan 2018
    Mr Arnold DE BOER 07 Jan 2017 03 Jan 2018
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 13 Sep 2016 08 Sep 2017
    Ms Chiara Aprea 13 Sep 2016 08 Sep 2017
    Mr Arnold DE BOER 27 Jan 2016 07 Jan 2017
    Mr Luc Hendrickx 21 Jan 2016 07 Jan 2017
    Ms Chiara Aprea 12 Sep 2015 10 Sep 2016
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 11 Sep 2015 09 Sep 2016
    Ms Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 22 Feb 2014 15 Feb 2015
    Ms Helen Anneliese HOFFMANN 19 Feb 2014 15 Feb 2015
    Ms Chiara Aprea 20 Sep 2014 12 Sep 2015
    Mrs Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 22 Feb 2014 27 Jan 2015
    Mrs Helen Anneliese HOFFMANN 19 Feb 2014 27 Jan 2015
    Mrs Sabine ERKENS 19 Feb 2014 17 Sep 2014
    Mrs Sabine ERKENS 20 Feb 2013 19 Feb 2014
    Mrs Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 15 Feb 2013 13 Feb 2014
    Mrs Helen Anneliese HOFFMANN 14 Feb 2013 13 Feb 2014
    Mrs Dora SZENTPALY 14 Feb 2013 13 Feb 2014
    Mrs Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 07 Dec 2012 08 Feb 2013
    Mrs Helen Anneliese HOFFMANN 07 Dec 2012 08 Feb 2013
    Mrs Sabine ERKENS 20 Oct 2012 08 Feb 2013
    Mrs Dora SZENTPALY 16 Oct 2012 08 Feb 2013
    Mrs Dora SZENTPALY 24 Jan 2012 16 Oct 2012
    Mrs Sabine ERKENS 24 Jan 2012 20 Oct 2012
    Mr Andrea BENASSI 01 Feb 2012 08 Feb 2013
    Mrs Liliane VOLOZINSKIS 20 Dec 2011 09 Dec 2012

    Complementary Information

    - All staff involved are in one way or the other involved in the activities.

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Trade and business associations

  • Networking


    SBS aisbl (Small Business Standards):
    EWE (Early Warning Europe):
    ASMoRAlliance for Sustainable Management of Chemical Risk:
    CII – Cross Industry Initiative (

    Member organisations

    SMEunited members are listed on the following webpage:

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    1,250,000€ - 1,499,999€

    Major contributions in closed year

    Grant Grant Agreement SI2.839861 SBS/2021-01 – Workprogramme 2022 FPA/SBS/GROW/2017 150,877€
    Grant Grant Agreement Project 101051702 - Support2SME4SD 53,818€
    Grant EC Grant Agreement for an action under prerogatives and specific competencies agreement nr -VS/2020/0004 868€

    Major contributions in current year

    Grant XXX 10,000€

    Intermediaries for closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for current year

    None declared

    Closed year Costs

    1,250,000€ - 1,499,999€

    Other financial info

    The declared costs are the operating charges of our organisation in 2023.They cover a full year of operations and refer to the most recent financial year closed 2023. They include staff costs, office expenditure and any other expenses related to our interest representation activities in 2023.

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)

    13 - Annex XVI #X03565/2# #OBSERVER #C#Industry#SMEsCommission expert group "Industrial Forum"#E03743# #MEMBER #C#SMEsAdvisory Group on Sustainability of Food Systems#E03832# #MEMBER #C#SMEsWorking Group on Cosmetic Products#E01302# #MEMBER #C#IndustryCommission Expert Group on implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union#E03694# #OBSERVER #C#SMEsConsumer Safety Network #E00935# #OBSERVER #C#Industry#SMEsCommission's Expert Group on Circular Economy and Sustainable Production and Consumption#E00470# #MEMBER #C#SMEsCommission Expert Group on Transposition of directive 2022/2041 on adequate minimum wages#E03893# #OBSERVER #C#IndustryHIGH-LEVEL FORUM ON EUROPEAN STANDARDISATION#E03874# #MEMBER #C#IndustryHigh Level Roundtable on the implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability#E03757# #MEMBER #C#SMEsEnvironmental Footprint Steering Group#E00470/1# #MEMBER #C#SMEsCompetent Authorities for Biocidal Products (Regulation (EU) No 528/2012)#E03125# #OBSERVER #C#SMEsEuro Cash Advisory Group#E00261# #MEMBER #C#SMEsFIT FOR FUTURE PLATFORM#E03729# #MEMBER #B#SMEsWG COS - Sub-group Claims#E01302/7# #MEMBER #C#IndustryWorking group on Adult learning  -  opening up opportunities for all#E03797# #MEMBER #C#SMEsMedical Device Coordination Group#X03565# #OBSERVER #C#Industry#SMEsSHERPA sub-group of the group of experts ‘High-Level Forum on European Standardisation’#E03874/1# #MEMBER #C#SMEsWorking Group on Vocational Education and Training and the Green Transition#E03798# #MEMBER #C#Professionals#SMEsWorking Group on Chemical Industry#E03326/5# #MEMBER #C#SMEsEuropean Qualifications Framework Advisory Group#E02107# #MEMBER #C#SMEsExpert Group on Land Transport Security#E02821# #OBSERVER #C#IndustrySME Envoy Sherpas#E02666/2# #OBSERVER #C#SMEsAdvisory Committee on Vocational Training#X01803# #OBSERVER #C#Industry#SMEsPlatform for Tax Good Governance, Aggressive Tax Planning and Double Taxation#E02897# #MEMBER #C#SMEsUsability and data #X03731/3# #MEMBER #C#SMEsPLATFORM ON SUSTAINABLE FINANCE#X03731# #MEMBER #C#SMEsInformal Green Public Procurement Advisory Group #E00453# #MEMBER #C#SMEsExpert Group Economic Migration #E03253# #MEMBER #C#SMEsInnovation Fund Expert Group#E03593# #MEMBER #C#SMEsEuropass Advisory Group#E03613# #MEMBER #C#Industry#SMEsWorking Group on Plant Health#E03832/2# #MEMBER #C#SMEsWorking Group on Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (DELTA)#E03787# #MEMBER #C#SMEsMultistakeholder expert group to support the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679#E03537# #MEMBER #C#SMEsNetwork of SME Envoys#E02666# #OBSERVER #C#SMEsExpert group on European Quality assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET)#E02415# #MEMBER #C#SMEsWorking Group on Seeds and Propagating Material#E03832/3# #MEMBER #C#SMEsDialogue with CPR partners 2021-2027 - Group of experts on the funds established by Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council#E03802# #MEMBER #C#Civil society#Professionals#SMEsCommission expert group on climate change policy #E03590# #MEMBER #C#SMEsCompetent Authorities for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals (REACH) and Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)#E02385# #OBSERVER #C#SMEsAdvisory Committee on equal opportunities for women and men#E01238# #MEMBER #C#SMEsWG COS - Borderlines#E01302/1# #MEMBER #C#IndustryConsumer Policy Advisory Group#E03750# #MEMBER #C#SMEsCommission expert group on Technology Infrastructures#E03928# #MEMBER #C#SMEsAnimal Health Advisory Committee#E03832/1# #MEMBER #C#SMEs

    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    See our website under

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    153 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 15 Mar 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject Clean Transition Dialogue for Cities
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Executive Vice-President)
      • Renáta Goldírová (Cabinet member)
      • Virginie Battu-henriksson (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 27 Feb 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject Action Plan for labour and skills shortages
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 26 Feb 2024 Location Virtual
      Subject Upcoming Action Plan for labour and skills shortages
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      • Mirzha De Manuel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 22 Feb 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject Clean Transition Dialogue on Clean Technologies
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      • Sid-ahmed Kamil Talbi (Cabinet member)
      • Adam Romanowski (Cabinet member)
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Executive Vice-President)
      • Aleksandra Baranska (Cabinet member)
      • Renáta Goldírová (Cabinet member)
      • Juraj Nociar (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 05 Feb 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject European Green Deal
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 05 Feb 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject Meeting with social partners on the European Green Deal
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Executive Vice-President)
      • Renáta Goldírová (Cabinet member)
      • Adam Romanowski (Cabinet member)
      • Dino Toljan (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 30 Jan 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject SMEs and climate action
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra
      • Daniel Mes (Cabinet member)
    • Date 30 Jan 2024 Location Brussels
      Subject Exchange of views on an EU climate policy fit for SMEs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra
      • Wopke Hoekstra (Commissioner)
    • Date 23 Nov 2023 Location videoconference
      Subject Late payment rules
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Maurits-Jan Prinz (Cabinet member)
    • Date 18 Oct 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Tripartite Social Summit Preparatory meeting
      Cabinet Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
      Portfolio President
      • Maria Luisa Cabral (Cabinet member)
    • Date 10 Oct 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject The policy priorities for the 2024 Commission Work Programme
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 08 May 2023 Location Videoconference
      Subject Meeting on youth policies
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
    • Date 20 Apr 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Economic Governance review, SME relief package, Corporate Sustainability reporting, Retail Investment package, competitiveness, traineeships.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Mirzha De Manuel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 20 Apr 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Platform to Business regulation, data act, SME package
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager
      Portfolio Europe Fit for Digital Age
      • Christiane Canenbley (Cabinet member)
      • Michele Piergiovanni (Cabinet member)
      • Margrethe Vestager (Executive Vice-President)
      • Pierre-Arnaud Proux (Cabinet member)
    • Date 20 Apr 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Exchange on SME challenges in greening the economy and in particular the Sustainable Product Initiative and energy transition, also exchange on electricity market design and EPBD.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Kadri Simson
      Portfolio Energy
      • Kadri Simson (Commissioner)
      • Thor-Sten Vertmann (Cabinet member)
      • Stefano Grassi (Cabinet member)
    • Date 27 Mar 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Meeting with President SMEunited
      Cabinet Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
      Portfolio President
      • Ursula von der Leyen (President)
    • Date 16 Mar 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject CMRD6
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Joost Korte (Director-General)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 10 Mar 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject European SME policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Maurits-Jan Prinz (Cabinet member)
      • Thierry Breton (Commissioner)
    • Date 27 Feb 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject SME dimension in the implementation of the European Green Deal, in particular in relation to the Green Deal Industrial Plan and circular economy proposals
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
      Portfolio European Green Deal
      • Frans Timmermans (Executive Vice-President)
    • Date 13 Feb 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject EU SME policy and SME relief
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Maurits-Jan Prinz (Cabinet member)
    • Date 02 Feb 2023 Location Cab Johansson meeting room
      Subject the European Year of Skills 2023
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Ylva Johansson
      Portfolio Home Affairs
      • Morella Siemers (Cabinet member)
    • Date 11 Jan 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Meeting on the European Year of Skills
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
    • Date 11 Jan 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject European Year of Skills (with Cabinet Commissioner Schmit)
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Margaritis Schinas
      Portfolio Promoting the European Way of Life
      • Maria Luisa Llano Cardenal (Cabinet member)
    • Date 19 Dec 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject The European Partnership for Integration to support the labour market integration of third-country nationals and people fleeing Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 09 Dec 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Social Dialogue initiative.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 22 Nov 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject The European Year of Skills policies, the Vocational Education and Training (VET).
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
    • Date 17 Nov 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Energy crisis and SMEs; SME relief package
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Agnieszka Skonieczna (Cabinet member)
    • Date 16 Nov 2022 Location Videoconference
      Subject Meeting on the Year of Skills
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
    • Date 08 Nov 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Social Dialogue Initiative.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Santina Bertulessi (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 13 Oct 2022 Location Bruxelles
      Subject VTC meeting on Food Waste and Food Labelling
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Stella Kyriakides
      Portfolio Health
      • Karolina Herbout-Borczak (Cabinet member)
      • Ralf Kuhne (Cabinet member)
    • Date 28 Jun 2022 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject EU Social Partners Conference "Strengthening Europe through Social Dialogue" -European Social Dialogue Work Programme 2022-2024
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Mirzha De Manuel (Cabinet member)
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 24 Jun 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject The promotion of social dialogue and collective bargaining in EU.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 21 Jun 2022 Location Sofia
      Subject The situation in Ukraine, Minimum Wage, Labour and skills, Social reforms, platform work, Individual Learning accounts.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Fabien Dell (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 21 Jun 2022 Location Sofia (BG)
      Subject EU response to the conflict with Ukraine, Labour & skills shortages, social reforms, platform work, Individual Learning Accounts.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Fabien Dell (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 17 Mar 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Skills and Talent Package, help for Ukrainian refugees.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 16 Mar 2022 Location VC
      Subject SME policies and participation in standard setting.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Mirzha De Manuel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 09 Mar 2022 Location video-call
      Subject Sustainable product policy and consumer empowerment for the green transition
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
      Portfolio European Green Deal
      • Helena Braun (Cabinet member)
    • Date 09 Mar 2022 Location Videoconference
      Subject Sustainable product policy and consumer empowerment for the green transition
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Joan Canton (Cabinet member)
    • Date 04 Mar 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Single Market Emergency Instrument and Data Act
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager
      Portfolio Europe Fit for Digital Age
      • Margrethe Vestager (Executive Vice-President)
      • Pierre-Arnaud Proux (Cabinet member)
    • Date 03 Mar 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Social Dialogue, implementation of national recovery and resilience plans and decent work
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice-President)
      • Mirzha De Manuel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 02 Mar 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Social dialogues initiatives.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
    • Date 10 Feb 2022 Location Videoconference
      Subject the European Year of Youth
      Cabinet Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
      Portfolio President
      • Maria Luisa Cabral (Cabinet member)
    • Date 10 Feb 2022 Location Virtual
      Subject Videoconference with social partners on RRF implementation and the economic governance review
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 15 Dec 2021 Location Online
      Subject Pact for Asylum and Migration
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Ylva Johansson
      Portfolio Home Affairs
      • Alexandra Cupsan-Catalin (Cabinet member)
      • Asa Webber (Cabinet member)
    • Date 26 Nov 2021 Location Virtual
      Subject Exchange of views on the forthcoming legislative proposal on platform work
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Mirzha De Manuel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 19 Nov 2021 Location Online
      Subject The social dialogue initiative
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 16 Nov 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Participation at the Training Committee of SME United.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
    • Date 10 Nov 2021 Location VC
      Subject Data flow
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Věra Jourová
      Portfolio Values and Transparency
      • Renate Nikolay (Cabinet member)
    • Date 29 Oct 2021 Location online
      Subject social affairs
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Joost Korte (Director-General)
    • Date 28 Oct 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Upcoming legislative initiative on platform work and other initiatives in social affairs.
      Cabinet Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
      Portfolio President
      • Maria Luisa Cabral (Cabinet member)
    • Date 08 Sep 2021 Location virtual
      Subject National recovery and resilience plans Corporate Social responsibility Taxation: Business Taxation for 21st century and fair taxation
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni
      Portfolio Economy
      • Maria Elena Scoppio (Cabinet member)
    • Date 25 Jun 2021 Location Brussels
      Subject right to disconnect Business Europe
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Joost Korte (Director-General)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 16 Jun 2021 Location Virtual
      Subject Article 8 Disclosures Delegated Act Taxonomy Regulation
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mairead Mcguinness
      Portfolio Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union
      • Katherine Power (Cabinet member)
    • Date 01 Jun 2021 Location Brussels-video conference
      Subject Fit for 55 Package
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
      Portfolio European Green Deal
      • Frans Timmermans (Executive Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 01 Jun 2021 Location videoconference
      Subject Exchanges on the Fit for 55 package.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 05 May 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Implementation of the chemicals strategy for sustainability
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Thierry Breton (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 04 May 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Exchange on the upcoming update of the Industrial Strategy and its SMEs dimension
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Thierry Breton (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 30 Apr 2021 Location Online
      Subject SMEs long term vision for the future of rural areas
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Elisa Ferreira
      Portfolio Cohesion and Reforms
      • Carole Mancel-Blanchard (Cabinet member)
    • Date 23 Apr 2021 Location Brussels
      Subject Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Dubravka Šuica
      Portfolio Democracy and Demography
      • Deša Srsen (Cabinet member)
    • Date 19 Apr 2021 Location Video conference
      Subject Substainable Corporate Governance
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Didier Reynders
      Portfolio Justice
      • Didier Reynders (Commissioner)
      • Lucrezia Busa (Cabinet member)
    • Date 19 Apr 2021 Location Online
      Subject Industrial Strategy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager
      Portfolio Europe Fit for Digital Age
      • Margrethe Vestager (Executive Vice-President)
      • Iwona Piorko Bermig (Cabinet member)
    • Date 15 Apr 2021 Location Video Conferencing
      Subject Capital Markets Union Non-Financial Reporting.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mairead Mcguinness
      Portfolio Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union
      • Mairead McGuinness (Commissioner)
    • Date 04 Feb 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Preparatory meeting for the Porto Social Summit.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
    • Date 03 Feb 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Presentation of the report on strengthening European social dialogue to the Social Dialogue Committee (SDC).
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Andrea Nahles (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 02 Feb 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Exchange on SME strategy and impact of DSA/DMA on SMEs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Agnieszka Skonieczna (Cabinet member)
      • Thierry Breton (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 02 Feb 2021 Location Videoconference
      Subject Meeting on the Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Santina Bertulessi (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 11 Dec 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Standardisation strategy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Eszter Batta (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 03 Dec 2020 Location Brussels - videoconference
      Subject COVID-19 crisis and recovery, climate targets; circular economy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
      Portfolio European Green Deal
      • Frans Timmermans (Executive Vice-President)
    • Date 01 Dec 2020 Location Virtual
      Subject To discuss Circular Economy Action Plan, especially from the angle of small and medium enterprises.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius
      Portfolio Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
      • Virginijus Sinkevičius (Commissioner)
      • Camilla Bursi (Cabinet member)
    • Date 01 Dec 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Exchange of views on minimum wages and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 30 Nov 2020 Location Phone call
      Subject COVID-19 impact on SMEs, National Recovery and resilience plans, Ecosystems.
      DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Kerstin Jorna (Director-General)
    • Date 16 Nov 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Meeting on the Recovery Strategy.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 11 Nov 2020 Location video conference
      Subject Meeting with EU Social Partners on the Pharmaceutical Strategy and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Stella Kyriakides
      Portfolio Health
      • Karolina Herbout-Borczak (Cabinet member)
      • Tove Ernst (Cabinet member)
      • Stella Kyriakides (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 07 Oct 2020 Location videoconference
      Subject Maroš Šefčovič participates in an informal meeting with social partners on CWP 2021/Better Regulation/Strategic Foresight.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      Portfolio Energy Union
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Executive Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 07 Oct 2020 Location videoconference
      Subject Maroš Šefčovič participates in an informal meeting with social partners on CWP 2021/Better Regulation/Strategic Foresight.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      Portfolio Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Vice-President)
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Executive Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 02 Oct 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Exchange on SME strategy and COVID-19 impact
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Thierry Breton (Commissioner)
    • Date 18 Jun 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject The future of Cohesion Policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Elisa Ferreira
      Portfolio Cohesion and Reforms
      • Elisa Ferreira (Commissioner)
      • Simeona Manova (Cabinet member)
    • Date 17 Jun 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Meeting on Vocational Education and Training as well as apprenticeships.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
    • Date 11 Jun 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Skills Agenda
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Margaritis Schinas
      Portfolio Promoting the European Way of Life
      • Margaritis Schinas (Vice-President)
      • Maria Luisa Llano Cardenal (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 11 Jun 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Meeting with Vice-President Schinas and Social Partners on Skills.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Christoph Nerlich (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 08 Jun 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject High-level hearing with Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and the Social Partners on the Action plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 28 May 2020 Location video-conferencing
      Subject COVID-19 relief measures
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Andrea Beltramello (Cabinet member)
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 13 May 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Videoconference on the Recovery Plan.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 05 May 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Migrants’ challenges in the current COVID-19 crisis and their contribution to economic recovery
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Ylva Johansson
      Portfolio Home Affairs
      • Ylva Johansson (Commissioner)
      • Alexandra Cupsan-Catalin (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 23 Apr 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Exchange of views on the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 18 Mar 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject Videoconference meeting on the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 06 Mar 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Industrial Strategy, SMEs strategy, Social Dialogue and Pillar of Social Rights, European Semester
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Michael Hager (Cabinet member)
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice-President)
      • Ruth Paserman (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 05 Mar 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Skills
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
    • Date 03 Mar 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Consultations on the New Pact on Migrations
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Ylva Johansson
      Portfolio Home Affairs
      • Raul Hernandez Sagrera (Cabinet member)
      • Alexandra Cupsan-Catalin (Cabinet member)
      • Ylva Johansson (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 03 Mar 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject SME Strategy, Capital Markets Union
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio An Economy that Works for People
      • Andrea Beltramello (Cabinet member)
    • Date 26 Feb 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Tripartite Social Summit Commission Work Programme
      Cabinet Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
      Portfolio President
      • Maria Luisa Cabral (Cabinet member)
    • Date 10 Feb 2020 Location Bruxelles
      Subject SME strategy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Thierry Breton
      Portfolio Internal Market
      • Agnieszka Skonieczna (Cabinet member)
    • Date 20 Jan 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Exchange on “ A strong social Europe for jus transitions” and on the initiative on fair minimum wages
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
    • Date 17 Dec 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject Green Deal and the transition to a climate neutral economy
      DG Energy
      • Ditte Juul Jørgensen (Director-General)
    • Date 20 Nov 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject Digital transformation – SME United views on digitalising of SMEs
      DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology
      • Roberto Viola (Director-General)
    • Date 04 Nov 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject SME policy for the new legislative term
      DG Health and Food Safety
      • Anne Bucher (Director-General)
    • Date 18 Oct 2019 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Meeting to discuss SME policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Margrethe Vestager
      Portfolio Competition
      • Margrethe Vestager (Commissioner)
    • Date 09 Oct 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject EU Trade Policy & enforcement of trade agreements
      DG Trade
      • Sabine Weyand (Director-General)
    • Date 24 Sep 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject EU policy framework for SMEs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Jyrki Katainen (Vice-President)
    • Date 18 Sep 2019 Location BREY-Brussels
      Subject Introduce themselves and discuss SME policy in general
      DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Timo Pesonen (Acting Director-General)
    • Date 15 Jul 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject Skills
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Joost Korte (Director-General)
    • Date 21 May 2019 Location Riga
      Subject Social Dialogue at the EU and national level
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President)
    • Date 06 Feb 2019 Location Brussels
      Subject Environment issues
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Karmenu Vella
      Portfolio Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
      • Karmenu Vella (Commissioner)
      • Andrew Bianco (Cabinet member)
    • Date 27 Sep 2018 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject New Deal proposal
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Věra Jourová
      Portfolio Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
      • Věra Jourová (Commissioner)
      • Eduard Hulicius (Cabinet member)
    • Date 26 Sep 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject SME policy, digital transformation, data, eCommerce, skills
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      • Maximilian Strotmann (Cabinet member)
    • Date 20 Sep 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject GDPR, privacy shield, e-privacy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      • Laure Chapuis-Kombos (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 04 Sep 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject Single Market, InvestEU, Industrial Policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Günther Oettinger
      Portfolio Budget &amp; Human Resources
      • Günther Oettinger (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 19 Jun 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject Introductory meeting
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Joost Korte (Director-General)
    • Date 15 May 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject Exchange of views on the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
      • Maria Luisa Llano Cardenal (Cabinet member)
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 10 Apr 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject 3rd Mobility package
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      Portfolio Energy Union
      • Ivo Schmidt (Cabinet member)
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 09 Mar 2018 Location brussels
      Subject Connected Car
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska
      Portfolio Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Rolf Carsten Bermig (Cabinet member)
      • Kaius Kristian Hedberg (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 27 Feb 2018 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Social dialogue and Social Fairness Package
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Marianne Thyssen
      Portfolio Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
      • Marianne Thyssen (Commissioner)
      • Vasiliki Kokkori (Cabinet member)
    • Date 27 Feb 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject Exchange of views on current topics
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska
      Portfolio Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Elżbieta Bieńkowska (Commissioner)
      • Agnieszka Drzewoska (Cabinet member)
    • Date 06 Feb 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject Exchange of views on the Pillar to improve access to social protection
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
      • Raquel Lucas (Cabinet member)
    • Date 30 Jan 2018 Location Brussels
      Subject GDPR, e-privacy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Laure Chapuis-Kombos (Cabinet member)
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 15 Jan 2018 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Nouveau programme politique régionale et implication des PME
      DG Regional and Urban Policy
      • Marc Lemaître (Director-General)
    • Date 06 Nov 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject 2nd Mobility Package
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      Portfolio Energy Union
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Vice-President)
      • Bernd Biervert (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 25 Sep 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject Future of Cohesion Policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Corina Crețu
      Portfolio Regional Policy
      • Jan Mikolaj Dzieciolowski (Cabinet member)
    • Date 29 Jun 2017 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Work-Life Balance
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Věra Jourová
      Portfolio Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
      • Monika Ladmanova (Cabinet member)
    • Date 24 May 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject GDPR Implementation and Privacy Shield
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      • Laure Chapuis-Kombos (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 15 May 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject Transport and mobility policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      Portfolio Energy Union
      • Christian Linder (Cabinet member)
      • Juraj Nociar (Cabinet member)
      • Bernd Biervert (Cabinet member)
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 08 May 2017 Location Brussels Belgium
      Subject new appointed secretary general
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Michel Servoz (Director-General)
    • Date 27 Mar 2017 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Energy policy
      DG Energy
      • Dominique Ristori (Director-General)
    • Date 21 Mar 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject Reach evaluation
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska
      Portfolio Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Rolf Carsten Bermig (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 23 Feb 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject Circular Economy, REACH for SMES
      DG Environment
      • Daniel Calleja Crespo (Director-General)
    • Date 15 Feb 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject Meeting to introduce the new Secretary General of UEAPME, Ms Véronique Willems
      DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Lowri Evans (Director-General)
    • Date 01 Feb 2017 Location brussels
      Subject Green Week
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Karmenu Vella
      Portfolio Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
      • Brian Synnott (Cabinet member)
    • Date 30 Jan 2017 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Prep. Discussion with Social Partners (2nd European Dialogue on Skills and Migration)
      DG Migration and Home Affairs
      • Alfred Matthias Ruete (Director-General)
    • Date 13 Jan 2017 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Pillar of Social Rights
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Marianne Thyssen
      Portfolio Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
      • Marianne Thyssen (Commissioner)
    • Date 21 Dec 2016 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Energy policy
      DG Energy
      • Dominique Ristori (Director-General)
    • Date 19 Dec 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Discussion with industry on general data protection regulation implementation
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Laure Chapuis-Kombos (Cabinet member)
      • Juhan Lepassaar (Cabinet member)
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 21 Nov 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Consultation of Social Partners on Energy Union
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
      Portfolio Energy Union
      • Maroš Šefčovič (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 02 Sep 2016 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Internal energy market
      DG Energy
      • Dominique Ristori (Director-General)
    • Date 21 Apr 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject SMEs and EFSI
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Jyrki Katainen (Vice-President)
    • Date 16 Mar 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Startups, Geoblocking, Collaborative economy, Late payment Directive, SME event, Capacity-building
      DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Lowri Evans (Director-General)
    • Date 24 Feb 2016 Location Brussels/Belgium
      Subject Introductory meeting
      DG Taxation and Customs Union
      • Stephen Quest (Director-General)
    • Date 18 Feb 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Digital Single Market and it's impact on jobs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Vivian Loonela (Cabinet member)
      • Hanna Hinrikus (Cabinet member)
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 10 Feb 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Introductory meeting with the new President of UEAPME. Vice-President and Ms Ulrike Rabmer-Koller discussed ways to strengthen institutional cooperation and reinforce social dialogue involving SMEs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
      Portfolio Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
      • Raquel Lucas (Cabinet member)
      • Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President)
    • Date 26 Jan 2016 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Courtesy meeting by new President of the UEAPME
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Marianne Thyssen
      Portfolio Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
      • Stefaan Hermans (Cabinet member)
    • Date 26 Jan 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject SMEs, Investment plan
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Jyrki Katainen (Vice-President)
    • Date 24 Nov 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Digital contracts
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Jasmin Battista (Cabinet member)
      • Juhan Lepassaar (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 27 Oct 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Circular Economy Package and SMEs
      DG Environment
      • Daniel Calleja Crespo (Director-General)
    • Date 23 Sep 2015 Location Bruxelles
      Subject SME policy, Internal market strategy, Better regulation
      DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Lowri Evans (Director-General)
    • Date 13 Jul 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Presentation of European Social Partners' autonomous Work Programme 2015-2017 and In-depth employment analysis
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Marianne Thyssen
      Portfolio Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
      • Marianne Thyssen (Commissioner)
      • Stefaan Hermans (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 26 Jun 2015 Location Berlaymont
      Subject Small Business Act and SME Policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska
      Portfolio Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
      • Elżbieta Bieńkowska (Commissioner)
    • Date 13 Apr 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Better regulation / Small Business Act
      Cabinet Cabinet of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans
      Portfolio Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
      • Frans Timmermans (First Vice-President)
      • Antoine Colombani (Cabinet member)
    • Date 06 Mar 2015 Location Belgium, Brussels, BERL
      Subject Capital Markets Union + SMEs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Jonathan Hill
      Portfolio Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
      • Jonathan Hill (Commissioner)
    • Date 12 Feb 2015 Location Bruxelles
      Subject Meeting with Social Partners
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Michel Servoz (Director-General)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 26 Jan 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Investment Initiative
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Aura Salla (Cabinet member)
      • Heidi Jern (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 26 Jan 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Investment plan
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Edward Bannerman (Cabinet member)
      • Aura Salla (Cabinet member)
    • Date 26 Jan 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Meeting with social partners
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Michel Servoz (Director-General)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 14 Jan 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Meeting with Social Partners
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Michel Servoz (Director-General)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 10 Dec 2014 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Investment initiative
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Edward Bannerman (Cabinet member)
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