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Below you will find a selection of stories which feature the work of LobbyFacts. Do send other links to us via the contact page.

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Amazon's lobbying satellites orbit EU policy-makers


Article from Corporate Europe Observatory, LobbyControl, and SOMO: From workers' rights to data protection, environmental impact and abuses of dominance, the growing reach of Amazon is facing backlash. In response, the digital giant is ramping up its lobbying power in the EU and member states, via lobby firms, think tanks, academia, economics consultancies, and public relations campaigns, research from shows.


"Polluants éternels" : enquête sur les stratégies des lobbies pour influer sur la proposition de restriction universelle des PFAS


Article from Jamais auparavant une consultation publique de l’Union européenne (UE) n’avait reçu autant de réponses sur ce type de sujets. 5600 contre quelques centaines habituellement.

Automotive industry lobbying expenditure by Voxeurop

How much carmakers’ lobbying on new EU emissions rules will cost Europeans


Article from VoxEurop: By aligning itself with the recommendations of the car industry when adopting new emission standards, the European Union could be caving in to the industry lobby at the expense of taxpayers' money and citizens' health, according to confidential documents obtained by Voxeurop.

Telefonica on Esp flag

Telefónica, la empresa española que más gasta en ‘lobby’ en Bruselas


Article from La Marea: La 'teleco' invirtió entre 2 y 2,25 millones de euros el pasado año en tareas de 'lobby': ha mantenido 125 encuentros con comisarios europeos, miembros de su gabinete o directores generales.

Biggest hydrogen lobbies

The dirty truth about the EU’s hydrogen push


Article from Corporate Europe Observatory and WeSmellGas: The EU is hyping hydrogen as the miracle that will cure our fossil fuel addiction. The truth is dirtier: hydrogen risks actually extending fossil fuel use, as well as deepening neo-colonial extractivist practices, including the large-scale appropriation of land, water, and energy in producing countries.

Still from Euronews video

Tech companies spend more than €100 million a year on EU digital lobbying


Article from Euronews: Tech companies’ lobbying in Brussels has increased to €113 million a year as efforts to influence the EU’s digital policy intensify, according to new data published on Monday by NGOs Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and LobbyControl.