British American Tobacco

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Registration as it was on 11 Mar 2024
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Lobbying Costs

3,000,000€ - 3,499,999€

Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

2.9 Fte (11)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    British American Tobacco   (BAT)

    EU Transparency Register

    2427500988-58 First registered on 21 Jan 2009

    Goals / Remit

    BAT is a leading, multi-category consumer goods business, established in 1902.
    We have a clear purpose to create A Better Tomorrow™ and are committed to Building a Smokeless World.
    Our strategic aim is to migrate smokers from cigarettes to smokeless alternatives and become a predominantly smokeless business by 2035.

    Main EU files targeted

    British American Tobacco engages on issues that are relevant to its business, such as tobacco-related regulatory issues, taxation, movement of excisable products, corporate social responsibility, Better Regulation, intellectual property, preventing illicit trade and counterfeiting or circular economy.

    In particular, the following legislative proposals or policies were notably followed in 2023:
    • Revision of Directive 2011/64/EU on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco ('Tobacco Excise Directive')
    • Directive (EU)2020/262 laying down the general arrangements for excise duty
    • Revision of the Union Customs Code
    • EU position at the Tenth session of the Conference of parties (COP 10) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
    • Commission Implementing Decision 2019/2151 establishing the work programme relating to the development and deployment of the electronic systems provided for in the Union Customs Code
    • Customs Risk Management Framework
    • EU Free Trade Agreements
    • EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
    • EU-US relations
    • Customs Valuation
    • Rules of Origin
    • Review of the requirements on packaging and feasibility of measures to prevent packaging waste, including the Proposal for a Regulation on packaging and packaging waste amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904, and repealing Directive 94/62/EC
    • Revision of Directive 2008/98/EC on waste
    • Directive 2014/40/EU concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products ('Tobacco Products Directive' or 'TPD') and proposals potentially impacting the review process of TPD, including the Commission's evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control and the initative to update the Council's 2009 Recommendation on smoke-free environments
    • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 on technical standards for the establishment and operation of a traceability system for tobacco products
    • EU Green Deal
    • Circular Economy Action Plan
    • Proposal for a Directive amending Directives 2005/29/EC and 2011/83/EU as regards empowering consumers for the green transition through better protection against unfair practices and better information
    • Proposal for a Directive on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive)
    • Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 of the EU Parliament and of the Council concerning batteries and waste batteries, amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directive 2006/66/EC Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 on the making available on the Union market and the export from the Union of certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation and repealing Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 EU Circular Electronics Initiative
    • Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2010/75 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste
    • EU Ecolabel Criteria for Retail Financial Products
    • Directive (EU) 2022/2464 amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Directive 2013/34/EU, as regards corporate sustainability reporting
    • Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937
    • Communication – EU policy framework on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics
    • Right to repair initiative
    • Critical Raw Materials Act
    • Directive 2012/19 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
    • Proposal for a Regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market


    Head Office
    Globe House, Temple Place, 4
    London WC2R 2PG
    EU Office
    Aarlenstraat 80 Rue d'Arlon


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time

    9 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 28 Sep 2024

    Name Start date End Date
    Christa PELSERS 18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2025
    Federica PATALANO 18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2025
    Alex Boyo Arias 18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2025
    Carl Jängnemyr 18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2025
    Alexander Cristea 18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2025
    Robert VACHA 15 Jul 2024 15 Jul 2025
    Laura BOSIO 20 Jan 2024 19 Dec 2024
    Estera JOZEFOWICZ 20 Jan 2024 17 Jan 2025
    Robert VACHA 10 Jun 2023 08 Jun 2024
    Luca NARDINI 21 Sep 2023 21 Sep 2024
    Justyna SMOK-CHAJN 20 Jan 2024 17 Jan 2025
    Eric SENSI-MINAUTIER 21 Sep 2023 21 Sep 2024
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 21 Sep 2023 21 Sep 2024
    Federica PATALANO 30 Sep 2023 26 Sep 2024
    Christa PELSERS 21 Sep 2023 21 Sep 2024
    Mr Erik PERSSON 20 Jan 2024 11 Mar 2024
    Mr Matthias PIO 21 Sep 2023 20 Jan 2024
    Laura BOSIO 07 Jul 2023 07 Jan 2024
    Estera JOZEFOWICZ 26 Jan 2023 01 Aug 2023
    Justyna SMOK-CHAJN 26 Jan 2023 20 Jan 2024
    Mr Erik PERSSON 25 Jan 2023 20 Jan 2024
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 22 Sep 2022 21 Sep 2023
    Mr Matthias PIO 17 Sep 2022 16 Sep 2023
    Eric SENSI-MINAUTIER 17 Sep 2022 16 Sep 2023
    Federica PATALANO 17 Sep 2022 16 Sep 2023
    Christa PELSERS 17 Sep 2022 16 Sep 2023
    Estera JOZEFOWICZ 07 Jan 2022 07 Jan 2023
    Mr Erik PERSSON 06 Jan 2022 06 Jan 2023
    Justyna SMOK-CHAJN 16 Dec 2021 16 Dec 2022
    Ms Adriana Jalba 16 Dec 2021 16 Dec 2022
    Eric SENSI-MINAUTIER 16 Jun 2021 16 Jun 2022
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 16 Jun 2021 16 Jun 2022
    Federica PATALANO 15 Jun 2021 15 Jun 2022
    Mr Matthias PIO 11 Jun 2021 11 Jun 2022
    Christa PELSERS 11 Jun 2021 11 Jun 2022
    Eric SENSI-MINAUTIER 13 Feb 2020 01 Mar 2021
    Mr Giovanni CARUCCI 26 Sep 2019 26 Sep 2020
    Federica PATALANO 21 Sep 2019 19 Sep 2020
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 18 Apr 2019 01 May 2020
    Christa PELSERS 26 Feb 2019 01 Mar 2020
    Ms Nicole Scourti 26 Feb 2019 01 Mar 2020
    Ms Dervla Gleeson 26 Feb 2019 01 Mar 2020
    Ms Ruth Gunning 26 Feb 2019 21 Sep 2019
    Mr Giovanni CARUCCI 26 Sep 2018 26 Sep 2019
    Federica PATALANO 21 Sep 2018 21 Sep 2019
    Christa PELSERS 01 Mar 2018 26 Feb 2019
    Ms Nicole Scourti 01 Mar 2018 26 Feb 2019
    Mr Jorge Silveira Nunes 01 Mar 2018 01 Mar 2019
    Mr Attila Toth 01 Mar 2018 21 Sep 2018
    Ms Ruth Gunning 01 Mar 2018 26 Feb 2019
    Mr Giovanni CARUCCI 05 Oct 2017 26 Sep 2018
    Ms Dervla Gleeson 20 Sep 2017 20 Sep 2018
    Christa PELSERS 29 Mar 2017 01 Mar 2018
    Ms Nicole Scourti 29 Mar 2017 01 Mar 2018
    Mr Jorge Silveira Nunes 20 Mar 2017 01 Mar 2018
    Mr Attila Toth 20 Mar 2017 01 Mar 2018
    Ms Ruth Gunning 20 Mar 2017 01 Mar 2018
    Mr Giovanni CARUCCI 19 Oct 2016 05 Oct 2017
    Liam Ronan DE BARRA 09 Mar 2016 08 Mar 2017
    Christa PELSERS 05 Mar 2016 04 Mar 2017
    Mr Ralf Ploufmann Olsen 05 Mar 2016 04 Mar 2017
    Ms Nicole Scourti 05 Mar 2016 04 Mar 2017
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 05 Mar 2016 04 Mar 2017
    Mr Giovanni CARUCCI 13 Oct 2015 09 Oct 2016
    Liam Ronan DE BARRA 21 Apr 2015 09 Mar 2016
    Christa PELSERS 25 Mar 2015 05 Mar 2016
    Ms Nicole Scourti 25 Mar 2015 05 Mar 2016
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 13 Feb 2015 11 Feb 2016
    Christa PELSERS 29 Mar 2014 25 Mar 2015
    Mr Ralf Ploufmann Olsen 27 Jan 2015 23 Jan 2016
    Federica PATALANO 13 Jun 2014 11 Jun 2015
    Mr Morten Boje Hviid 13 Jun 2014 11 Jun 2015
    Liam Ronan DE BARRA 16 Apr 2014 15 Apr 2015
    Christa PELSERS 29 Mar 2014 27 Jan 2015
    Mr Alistair Hide 26 Feb 2014 13 Jun 2014
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 28 Jan 2014 25 Jan 2015
    Mr Ralf Ploufmann Olsen 16 Jan 2014 14 Jan 2015
    Ms Nicole Scourti 16 Jan 2014 14 Jan 2015
    Mr Ulf Bauer 19 Oct 2013 18 Oct 2014
    Ms Martina Branconi 20 Aug 2013 15 Aug 2014
    Christa PELSERS 20 Mar 2013 19 Mar 2014
    Ms Maria Pevchikh 20 Feb 2013 12 Sep 2013
    Mr Csaba BABAK 29 Jan 2013 21 Jan 2014
    Mr Ralf Ploufmann Olsen 29 Jan 2013 16 Jan 2014
    Ms Nicole Scourti 30 Jan 2013 16 Jan 2014
    Thomas COMPERNOLLE 30 Jan 2013 21 Jan 2014
    Mr Massimiliano Di Domenico 15 May 2012 01 Mar 2013
    Christa PELSERS 12 Mar 2012 01 Mar 2013
    Liam Ronan DE BARRA 12 Mar 2012 01 Mar 2013
    Cynthia Fürste 20 Dec 2011 08 Feb 2013
    Mr Csaba BABAK 20 Dec 2011 08 Feb 2013

    Complementary Information

    As provided in the Transparency Register Guidelines, this is the most up-to-date figure for the number of individuals working on activities covered by the Register at the time of our annual update.

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Companies & groups

  • Networking


    British American Tobacco is a member of various associations and networks around the world, including: Tobacco Europe, AmCham EU, BCCB, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, BusinessEurope, Nordic Nicotine Pouch Alliance (NNPA), Ad Hoc Partnership Limited, Kangaroo Group and The American European Community.

    Member organisations


  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    3,000,000€ - 3,499,999€

    Major contributions in closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for closed year

    n+c 200,000€ - 299,999€
    eutop europe gmbh 700,000€ - 799,999€
    meseuro srl 25,000€ - 49,999€
    business platform europe 25,000€ - 49,999€
    euk consulting 100,000€ - 199,999€
    red flag 100,000€ - 199,999€
    europtimum conseil 100,000€ - 199,999€
    trade & access consulting 100,000€ - 199,999€

    Intermediaries for current year

    eutop europe gmbh
    business platform europe
    forward partners
    euk consulting
    meseuro srl
    trade & access consulting

    Closed year Costs

    3,000,000€ - 3,499,999€

    Other financial info

    The estimate of the annual costs related to activities covered by the register is notably comprised of staff costs, office and administrative expenses, in-house operation expenditure, representation costs, consultancy fees and membership fees.

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)


    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities


    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    4 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 18 May 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Videoconference - Stakeholder event to gather views on the upcoming revision of the tobacco taxation directive
      DG Taxation and Customs Union
      • Gerassimos Thomas (Director-General)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 01 Oct 2018 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Meeting to discuss economic climate and business environment in Kosovo
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Johannes Hahn
      Portfolio European Neighbourhood Policy &amp; Enlargement Negotiations
      • Kyriacos Charalambous (Cabinet member)
    • Date 30 Mar 2017 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Revision of the European tobacco excise directive
      DG Taxation and Customs Union
      • Stephen Quest (Director-General)
    • Date 14 Jan 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject AECA Round-Table on “Dealing with Regulatory Burden
      Cabinet Cabinet of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans
      Portfolio Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
      • Bernardus Smulders (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
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