National Council for Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania

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Lobbying Costs

50,000€ - 99,999€

Financial year: Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

2 Fte (4)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    National Council for Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania   (CNIPMMR)

    EU Transparency Register

    279257438747-70 First registered on 15 Jul 2020

    Goals / Remit

    National Council for SMEs of Romania:
    - ensures the representation of the SMEs and of the employers' movement of SMEs at national level, and internationally through affiliation with the most powerful organizations for SMEs.
    - focuses on creating a functional business environment, on promoting, defending and representing the interests of entrepreneurs and private enterprises in their relations with governmental and non-governmental representatives, in the country and abroad.
    - focuses on providing specific information to the economic and business environment, on transmitting knowledge and on providing services for SMEs, in order to increase their potential and competitiveness.

    Main EU files targeted

    - Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - “Think Small First” - A “Small Business Act” for Europe {SEC(2008) 2101} {SEC(2008) 2102}
    - European Commission Action Plan on Deepening the Capital Market Union (CMU)
    - European Council: Political agreement on Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 and Own Resources Decision
    - European Commission Recovery Plan for Europe
    - European binding measures on pay transparency
    - DRAFT REPORT on economic policies of the euro area 2020 (2020/2078(INI))
    - Communication from SMEUnited - Solvency support crucial for successful recovery and an SME Solvency Programme
    - Regulation (EU) No 1287/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing a Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (COSME) (2014 - 2020) and repealing Decision No 1639/2006/EC Text with EEA relevance
    - Recovery and Resilience Facility


    Head Office
    Pta Walter Maracineanu nr. 1-3, intr 1, sector 1 Pta W.Maracineanu nr. 1-3, intr 1, sector 1
    Bucuresti 010155
    EU Office
    Pta Walter Maracineanu nr. 1-3, intr 1, sector 1 Pta W.Maracineanu nr. 1-3, intr 1, sector 1
    Bucuresti 010155


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    No lobbyists with EP accreditations

    Complementary Information

    None declared

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Trade and business associations

  • Networking


    National Council for SMEs of Romania membership:
    - European Union of Craftsmanship and SMEs (SME United)
    - European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
    - Enterprise Europe Network - EEN

    Member organisations

    None declared

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    50,000€ - 99,999€

    Major contributions in closed year

    Grant European Commision 238,103€

    Major contributions in current year

    Grant European Commission 86,095€

    Intermediaries for closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for current year

    None declared

    Closed year Costs

    50,000€ - 99,999€

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)


    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    - Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 project - BIZ UP! - Business environment development through investment and entrepreneurship training
    The main objective of the BIZ UP! project (ID 150445) was the development of management and entrepreneurship skills of persons from two regions of Romania, through multiple integrated actions (including offering financial support to 40 start-ups).
    - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs project - Entrepreneurship for Innovative Change (E4IC)
    The E4IC project (grant number 621786) aimed to contribute to the EU efforts of enhancing entrepreneurship and increasing the competitiveness of European SME’s and new start-ups, by providing personalized support to new entrepreneurs (NEs) to find the adequate host entrepreneur (HE) match to provide on-the job training and exchange of experience.
    - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs project - Entrepreneurship for Innovative Change II (E4IC II)
    The E4IC II project (grant number 653037) was the continuation of E4IC in the 7th cycle of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. As before, my responsibilities included the technical implementation of the project.
    - Erasmus+ project - INNOGROW
    The INNOGROW project (Innovative Entrepreneurship for Increased Employability, New Business Creation and Economic Growth - grant number 2015-1-TR01-KA202-022685) aimed at achieving the development of horizontal skills using innovative methods. The skill that was the focus of the project is ‘innovative entrepreneurship’, a decisive form of entrepreneurship in today's business environment.
    - Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 project - Viitor PLUS - antreprenori pentru dezvoltare! (entrepreneurs for development!) 2018-2021. The project aims to develop the business environment in the West Region of Romania. It includes three main phases: training in entrepreneurship; financial support for developing 58 start-ups; support and monitorization of the start-up development.
    - Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 project - Diaspora ReSTART 2017-2020. Diaspora ReSTART has the main goal of developing entrepreneurship skills and abilities for Romanian citizens that reside in other countries. The three main phases of the project are: online training in the field of entrepreneurship; organizing a business plan contest and offering financial support (maximum 40.000 Euro under a minimis scheme of financing) for the 60 best business plans; implementation of business plans and monitoring activities.
    - Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 project - Creative START 2018-2021. The project aims to develop the business environment in the North-West Region of Romania. It includes three main phases: training in entrepreneurship; financial support for developing 75 start-ups; support and monitorization of the start-up development.
    - Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 projects (ongoing) – Social Entrepreneurs Nation, Social Entrepreneurs Network,
    - Digital Europe Programme (ongoing) – RO Tech Nation DIH, where CNIPMMR is the orchestrator and FIT DIH and Oltenia DIH, where CNIPMMR is a member.
    - Social Dialogue and Decent Work Programme (EEA and Norway Grants) - Center for better regulation for SMEs (ongoing).
    - Digital Social Partners - DIGISOC (European Social Fund+ (ESF) Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL)
    - SMEs through Enterprise Europe Network (PROSME) - Enterprise Europe Network
    - Energy-efficient SMEs - Increased knowledge on renewable energy, energy efficiency – Awareness raising general public and Training

    - White Charter of SMEs;
    - Romania's tourism White Charter;
    - SMEs Fair;
    - Entrepreneurs National Day;
    - National Top of Romania's Private Companies.

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    1 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

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