Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.
Lobbying Costs
None declared
Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.5 Fte (5)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (UBB)
EU Transparency Register
573131319990-45 First registered on 22 Dec 2015
Goals / Remit
Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) has a complex, multicultural academic profile with three lines of study, featuring cultural, scientific, technological and vocational dimensions, from arts and theology to humanities, social and natural/life sciences, mathematics/computer science, engineering/technology and sport. UBB is a key actor in Cluj, Transylvania, and Romania. UBB’s primary strategic objective is to consolidate these aspects, while at the same time enhancing its level of impact and quality so that it may compete in a generally accepted sense of the term in the international academic environment, along the main players in the global higher education. In other words, to develop and confirm a world-class university status. In essence, this is the continuation of the vision of the founding fathers of the University, who already wanted it to be anchored in the most advanced international academic models.
Main EU files targeted
Babeș-Bolyai University has been actively involved and/or encouraged the participation in research and educational activities relating to the main topics concerning the European Union, congruently with the European Unions objectives on education, innovation, inclusion, employment, and climate/energy.
In line with the roadmaps designed, UBB is interested in being actively involved in the following fields pertaining to the Transparency Register:
COMMUNICATION. As a main goal, UBB aims to improve its representation policies and branding, respectively that contribute to the global outreach of the university.
CULTURE. UBB is the most complex Romanian university, counting 22 faculties as subdivisions. With a prevailing academic logic of supraorganization in 6 academic schools, the university wishes to correlate the organizational culture with the relevant faculties so as to create a niche professional culture which outlines the specific organizational framework.
DEVELOPMENT. Considering its evolution from 6,000 students (1990) to 39,264 students (2023) and from 6 faculties to 22, Babeș-Bolyai University’s interest for institutional development is obvious. In its search for possible main tracks, UBB has adopted and developed multiculturalism as its main feature, looking into its sustainable growth and advance.
EDUCATION. UBB engages to be a pilot institution in the implementation of the innovative didactic programmes through its departments and affiliated structures, in all fields of study.
REGIONAL POLICY. UBB is an aggregating pillar in the development of the relation with the society, being an indicator or the guiding lines for societal evolution. The University acts as a consultant of the local authorities, an active member of the regional development bodies, shaping its position and vision in the national and European milieus and long term strategies.
RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY. As the main goal in the internationalization process is to access the first 500 positions of the global rankings, UBB has emphasized the European dimension of its research mission doubled by innovation.
YOUTH. We are now the first Erasmus+ engine in the country, attracting the most considerable share national funding for student mobility in the programme. Moreover, skills development had been adopted as a strategic target in the internationalization process of the University, as well. Moreover, it has become the first Romanian university to use the HEInnovate tool of the OECD and EC focusing on supporting future entrepreneurs and the innovation trend in the region, and a considerable number of other programs that target inclusiveness and increased employability.
Furthermore, UBB is the holder of the Erasmus Charter for higher Education 2021-2027, being the most active Romanian university in this programme.Address
Head Office
Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, nr. 1
Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, nr. 1
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 10% 5 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
None declared
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Academic institutions
EUTOPIA European University alliance https://eutopia-university.eu/
The Guild of European research-intensive universities https://www.the-guild.eu/
European University Association (EUA) http://www.eua.be/
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) https://www.auf.org/
SGroup - Universities in Europe https://sgroup-unis.eu/
Magna Charta Observatory www.magna-charta.org/
Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC) https://www.drc-danube.org/
European Language Council (ELC) http://www.celelc.org/
European Consortium for Political Research https://ecpr.eu/
Erasmus Association of Erasmus Coordinators https://www.eaecnet.com/
Three Seas Initiative (3SI) https://3seas.eu/
Network for Education and Teacher Training (NETT) http://www.nett-eu.com/Member organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Interests represented
Does not represent commercial interests
Closed financial year
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.
Total organisational budget in closed year
Major funding types in closed year
EU funding, Member's contribution, Donations, Grants, Public financing
Major contributions in closed year
Type Name Amount Contribution Ministry of Education 113,311,994€ Contribution Ministry of Investments and European Projects 12,282,966€ Contribution Ministry of Research 8,784,104€ Contribution UEFISCDI 827,384€ Contribution JWG UNIVERSITAET FRANKFURT 70,987€ Contribution DDFIP DE LA LOIRE 31,460€ Contribution UEFISCDI 18,836€ Contribution LANDESHOCHSCHULKASSE 27,014€ Contribution ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AN D TECHNOLOGY 118,369€ Contribution MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 49,174€ Contribution ASOC.TEATRUL VIENEZ DE COPII 48,419€ Contribution CIVIC COMPUTING LIMITED 29,156€ Contribution PU MARBURG WEITERLMITTEL PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITAT MARBURG 16,690€ Contribution TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT DORTMUND 21,876€ Contribution UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM HAMBURG 89,400€ Contribution DR. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHE AG 50,000€ Contribution EIT DIGITAL 208,054€ Contribution AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER I SERV MAND 18,172€ Contribution THE ROYAL INSTITUTION FOR THE MCGILL UNIVERSITY 14,702€ Contribution THE ACADEMY OF KOREAN STUDIES 64,987€ Contribution ICMPD 225,000€ Contribution TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT DORTMUND 21,876€ Contribution JWG UNIVERSITAET FRANKFURT 12,400€ Contribution UNIVERSITAET SALZBURG 12,134€ Contribution A.N.P.C.D.E.F.P 38,517€ Contribution JWG UNIVERSITAET FRANKFURT 21,764€ Contribution FONDATION BOINAR 75,516€ Contribution E.V. EIT HEALTH 22,305€ Contribution GOOGLE IRELAND LIMITED 16,268€ Contribution INSTITUT ZA IZSLEDVANE NA NASELENIE 10,718€ Contribution DDFIP DE LA LOIRE 30,428€ Contribution EMBERI EROFORRAS 20,898€ Contribution STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA 60,449€ Contribution ACADEMIA ROMANA FILIALA CLUJ-NAPOCA 25,088€ Contribution UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHICA DIN BUCURESTI 75,205€ Contribution UNIVERSITAET BREMEN 75,118€ Contribution WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY 36,658€ Contribution DEPENSES 120,302€ Contribution STICHTING WAGENINGEN 128,558€ Contribution MALMO UNIVERSITET 136,582€ Contribution UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT CONCERN 148,723€ Contribution FUNDACIO PRIV.PER A LA RECERCA I LA FSJD 120,765€ Contribution UNIVERSITA DI TORINO 38,598€ Contribution TARTU ULIKOOL 46,392€ Contribution MUNICIPALITY OF CLUJ-NAPOCA 79,125€ Contribution FUNDACION CENER 84,583€ Contribution KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL 32,973€ Contribution STAATSOBERKASSE BAYERN UNIV. WUERZBURG 49,725€ Contribution FAKULTETA ZA UPORABNE DRUZBENE 41,475€ Contribution KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET 183,175€ Contribution UNIVERSITATEA CRAIOVA 16,620€ Contribution MEDIKLASZTER MENEDZSMENT NONPROFITK 33,613€ Contribution EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2,672,305€ Contribution ANPCDEFP 5,589,685€ Contribution TERAPIA 80,408€ Contribution YONDER SRL 14,802€ Contribution NTT DATA 54,352€ Contribution MHP CONSULTING ROMANIA SRL 20,000€ Contribution BCR 14,743€ Contribution PARLAMENTUL ROMANIEI CAM DEPUTATILOR 51,670€ Contribution ROBERT BOCH SRL 127,179€ Contribution OMV PETROM SA 159,318€ Contribution REGIA NATIONALA A PADURILOR 197,075€ Contribution KAUFLAND ROMANIA SCS 58,811€ Contribution AEDILIS PROIECT SRL 43,059€ Contribution TURDA DEVELOPMENT 23,922€ Contribution GRAB CHRONOS SRL 30,362€ Contribution CLUJ COUNTY 28,706€ Contribution HUNEDOARA COUNTY 34,486€ Contribution CONSILIUL JUDETEAN SIBIU 198,106€ Contribution MUNICIPALITY OF CONSTANTA 28,467€ Other financial info
None declared
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
• Involvement in 13 working group coordinated by The Guild of European Research Intensive Universities, promoting EU agendas, policies and programmes, e.g. Africa – Europe Clusters of Research Excellence (CoRE).
• Cybersecurity courses as part of the EIT Digital Master School since 2023
• SMEGoNet – SMEs Go Global Network and IART Territories – Innovative and responsible tourism territories (INTERREG IVC)
• Implementation of the HEInnovate self-assessment tool in the university
• Contribution to the White Paper with Policy Recommendations about the Role of HEIs in a Quadruple Helix Collaboration for RIS3 - Self-reflection Tools for Smart Universities Acting Regionally - RE-ACT Erasmus+ project
• “UBB Goes Green”: Babeș-Bolyai University adopted its green strategy in 2016
• “UBB4Society&Economy!” supporting RDI through community engagement.
• “Youth Participation to the European Agenda of Social Justice. International Conference for Students active in Social Change”, held in Cluj-Napoca, on 21-22 April 2015.
Series of publications dedicated to the topics promoted by the European Commission
• STUDIA POLITICAOther activities
None declared
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings