Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.
Lobbying Costs
None declared
Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
1.35 Fte (6)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB)
EU Transparency Register
937728041589-52 First registered on 09 Mar 2021
Goals / Remit
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) is an academic institution, strongly committed towards higher education, research and innovation. It includes fourteen Departments, in the fields of ICT, Educational Sciences, Economics, Business Administration and Management, Law, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Medicine, Psychology and Sociology. With about 1100 teachers and researchers, UNIMIB has a wide training offer, with 32 Bachelor’s Degree courses, 36 Master’s Degree courses and 5 Long-cycle Master’s Degree courses. UNIMIB has extensive experience in managing EU grants, having been awarded more than 200 European grants (100 under the H2020 programme, 47 under the Horizon Europe programme, 2 COST Actions, 11 Justice, 30 EIT-KIC Raw Materials and 40 Erasmus+ programme, Actions KA2 and KA3), for a total of about 67 M€. In 61 of those projects UNIMIB acted or is currently acting as coordinating institution.
Main EU files targeted
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca participates extensively in EU funding programmes as: FP7, H2020, HEurope, LIFE+, JUSTICE PROGRAMME, ERASMUS+, COST, CREATIVE EUROPE, EuropeAid. Furthermore, it is member of the EIT Raw Material, support European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) and it is part of the European Universities Association (EUA).
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca participates in the plarform "ETPN- EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM FOR
NANOMEDICINE" which aims to define the panorama of the nanomedicine in Europe in order to identify new
medical, pharmacological e diagnostic solutions. It participates also in EERA - EUROPEAN ENERGY RESEARCH ALLIANCE that coordinates the research in the field of energy at the European level and in the association named INFORMATICS EUROPE. UNIMIB is member of EOSC - European Open Science Cloud, an environment for hosting and processing research data to support EU science.
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca is interested in the following EU initiatives and policies: the European Commission's priorities "Jobs, Growth and Investment", "Energy Union and Climate", " Justice and Fundamental human Right for EU citizens and worldwide", "Green Deal", "A Europe fit for the digital age", "Promoting our European way of life", "gender equality" and "coordinated prevention of and protection against gender-based discrimination or violence against women, including domestic violence – against women and other victims such as children".
Academics are encouraged to act as Expert Evaluators for EU funding programmes, and to respond to the open public consultations from the Commission.Address
Head Office
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1
Milano 20126
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1
Milano 20126
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 5 10% 1 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
None declared
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Academic institutions
The Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca is a member of:
- the EIT Raw Material, link: https://www.https://eitrawmaterials.eu/
- European Universities Alliance, link: https://www.eua.eu/
- ETPN- European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine, link:https://etp-nanomedicine.eu/about-etpn/publications/
- the European Energy Research Alliance; link: https://www.eera-set.eu/
- Informatics Europe; link: https://www.informatics-europe.org/
- the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), link: https://eosc-portal.eu/Member organisations
https://www.unimib.it/ricerca/valorizzazione-della-ricerca/innovazione-nel-territorio/enti-partecipati -
Financial Data
Interests represented
Does not represent commercial interests
Closed financial year
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.
Total organisational budget in closed year
Major funding types in closed year
Grants, Public funding
Major contributions in closed year
Type Name Amount Contribution European Commission 9,400,000€ Contribution Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 191,673,904€ Contribution Regioni e Province 3,300,000€ Grant European Commission 9,400,000€ Other financial info
None declared
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
None declared
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
In the European landscape, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca is very well placed, with an excellent track record of granted European projects, many as coordinator, and an active participation in several ESFRI Research Infrastructures. It is currently involved in 140 ongoing European granted projects (within the H2020 and HEurope programme including Erasmus+ programme, COST Actions, Justice, EIT-KIC Raw Materials among others). UNIMIB has a prominent role in what concerns European Research Infrastructures, being part in and collaborating with a total of 9 ESFRI RIs, offering services – at a European level – in the ESFRI areas of: Health & Food; Environment; Social & Cultural Innovation; Physical sciences & Engineering.
UNIMIB coordinates two Europe-wide public event funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA): the European Researcher's Night. Furthermore, it participates in the project entitled "Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science" aiming at the creation of new knowledge about how to transform potential citizen participation in science into actual engagement in scientific research and to unveil new ways to engage societal actors, including young citizens and groups that have traditionally been excluded from science.Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings