Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.
Lobbying Costs
None declared
Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.25 Fte (1)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Universität Wien (UNIVIE)
EU Transparency Register
231372123740-02 First registered on 07 Oct 2016
Goals / Remit
The University of Vienna was founded in 1365. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. It is associated with 15 Nobel prize winners and has been the academic home of a large number of figures both of historical and academic importance. Currently, about 85.200 students are enrolled at the University of Vienna. They can select from 187 degree programmes. With 10,700 employees, 7,500 of which are academics, the University of Vienna is the largest teaching and research institution in Austria.
Main EU files targeted
We are following all initiatives, policies and legislative files relating to research and education.
Head Office
Universitätsring 1
Vienna 1010
Berggasse 7
Vienna 1090
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 1 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
Researchers and staff members of the University of Vienna are occasionally involved in providing expertise to the European Commission.
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Academic institutions
The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities: https://www.the-guild.eu/
Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe : https://www.unica-network.eu/
Circle U.: https://www.circle-u.eu/Member organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Interests represented
Does not represent commercial interests
Closed financial year
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.
Total organisational budget in closed year
Major funding types in closed year
EU funding, Grants, Public funding
Major contributions in closed year
Type Name Amount Contribution Bund (Global Budget) 618,382,340€ Other financial info
All official facts and figures regarding the University of Vienna can be found here: https://www.univie.ac.at/ueber-uns/auf-einen-blick/zahlen-daten-broschueren/
The audited accounts of the University of Vienna for the year 2023 can be found here:
https://mtbl.univie.ac.at/storage/media/mtbl02/02_pdf/20240705-38.pdf -
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
None declared
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
None declared
Other activities
None declared
1 meetings found. Download meetings
The list below covers meetings with Commissioners/Cabinet members/Directors-general (high-level) Commission meetings published December 2014 to December 2024, and the meetings of Commissioners/Cabinet members/Directors-general and officials holding "management functions" in the Commission published since 1 January 2025. Other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may well have taken place, but the Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. All information below comes from the Commission and not from the registrant.
1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.
Date 08 Sep 2020 Location Videoonference Subject Roundtable on platform work. Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights Attending - Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
- Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
- Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
Other Lobbyists