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Registration as it was on 30 Jul 2024
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Lobbying Costs

200,000€ - 299,999€

Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

3 Fte (4)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info


    EU Transparency Register

    138306248553-21 First registered on 10 Jan 2023

    Goals / Remit

    Founded in 1983, SIBS provides fast, seamless and secure payment services to more than 300 million users, in three different Continents. Alongside processing more than 4 billion transactions annually, SIBS is a benchmark in Security and Anti-Fraud solutions and services and the Iberian leader in Card Production and Personalization. SIBS also manages the ATM Express and MULTIBANCO networks, POSs, SoftPOSs, SmartPOSs, a banking API, the eWallet MB WAY and ecommerce gateways.

    On 13 December 2023, MB WAY (PT), BANCOMAT Pay® (IT) and BIZUM (ES) established the European Payments Alliance - EuroPA partnership with the aim of allowing their users to execute cross-border instant transfers amongst themselves and perform cross-border payments. The first step will consist of enabling P2P transactions between the users of the three mobile payment solutions, followed by other payment use cases in the future.

    Main EU files targeted

    Instant Payments, PSD3, PSR, Financial Data Access Regulation, Digital Euro Package and Single Currency Package, Data Act, European Digital Identity, AML, Digital Market Act, Consumer protection


    Head Office
    Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1
    Lisbon 1649-031
    EU Office
    Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1
    Lisbon 1649-031


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    No lobbyists with EP accreditations

    Complementary Information

    None declared

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Companies & groups

  • Networking


    European Card Payment Association
    European Mobile Payment Systems Association
    European Payment Institutions Federation
    European Signature Dialog
    European Cards Stakeholders Group

    Member organisations

    None declared

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    200,000€ - 299,999€

    Major contributions in closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for current year

    None declared

    Closed year Costs

    200,000€ - 299,999€

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)

    Payment Systems Market Expert Group#E02287# #MEMBER #B#Industry

    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    None declared

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    1 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 31 Jan 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject Competition law and digital issues.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager
      Portfolio Europe Fit for Digital Age
      • Werner Stengg (Cabinet member)
      • Simon Genevaz (Cabinet member)
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