Lobbying Costs
Financial year: Mar 2018 - Dec 2018
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.5 Fte (2)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Kulttuuri- ja taidealan keskusjärjestö KULTA ry (KULTA ry)
EU Transparency Register
364398937392-13 First registered on 19 Feb 2020
Goals / Remit
Kulttuuri- ja taidealan keskusjärjestö KULTA ry:n perustehtävä on parantaa kulttuurin ja taiteen yhteiskunnallista arvostusta ja taloudellisia toimintaedellytyksiä.
Main EU files targeted
Kulttuuria koskeva Euroopan toimintasuunnitelma, Kulttuurialan työsuunnitelma 2019–2022 (Council conclusions on the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022, No. Prev. doc. 13886/18 CULT 132);
Luova Eurooppa -ohjelma (2018/0190 (COD),
Euroopan kulttuuripääkaupungit, palkinnot yms.Address
Head Office
c/o SOSTE, 7.krs
Yliopistonkatu 5
Helsinki 00100
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 2 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
Pääasiassa työskentelemme vain Suomessa.
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
III - Non-governmental organisations
Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar
None declared
Member organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Closed financial year
Mar 2018 - Dec 2018
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
Other financial info
Kyseinen tilikausi on vuodelta, jolloin Kulttuuri- ja taidealan keskusjärjestö KULTA ry aloitti toimintansa (vuosi 2018) ja varsinainen toiminta ollut vielä päässyt kunnolla käyntiin. Vuoden 2019 tilinpäätöstä ole vielä suljettu.
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
Luova Eurooppa -ohjelma (Creative Europe)
Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
1 meetings found. Download meetings
The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: https://commissioners.ec.europa.eu/index_en All information below comes from European Commission web pages.
1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.
Date 09 Dec 2019 Location Brussels Subject Finnish culture Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen Portfolio International Partnerships Attending - Tuure Taneli Lahti (Cabinet member)
- Meetings