Lobbying Costs
Financial year: Sep 2023 - Aug 2024
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.25 Fte (1)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Information Labs
EU Transparency Register
934441348399-31 First registered on 14 Dec 2022
Goals / Remit
Information Labs is an initiative run by N-square, a Brussels based consultancy, part of KDC Group. Website management & graphics are done by Square-up Agency, part of KDC Group. Our labs are organised per theme and aim at generating constructive discussions based on facts and research. Our objective is to identify challenges and possible solutions in key information-related areas by collaborating with and connecting experts and practitioners across sectors, disciplines, and geographies.
Main EU files targeted
* Digital Services Act - Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 on a Single Market For Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC;
* Digital Markets Act - Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector and amending Directives (EU) 2019/1937 and (EU) 2020/1828;
* European Media Freedom Act - Proposal for a regulation establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market and amending Directive 2010/13/EU;
* Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market - Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC;
* Database Directive - Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases;
* Information Society Directive - Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society;
* Geoblocking Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2018/302 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market and amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC;
* e-Commerce Directive - Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market;
* Audiovisual Media Services Directive - Directive (EU) 2018/1808 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 November 2018 amending Directive 2010/13/EU on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media Services Directive) in view of changing market realities;
* Open Internet Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/2120);
* Connectivity Infrastructure Act;
* Broadband Cost Reduction Directive - Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks Text with EEA relevance;
* Data Act - Proposal for a Regulation on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data;
* Data Governance Act - Proposal for a Regulation on European data governance;
* P2B Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services
* Artificial Intelligence Act - Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending certain unioin legislative acts;
* Open Data Directive (PSI) - Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the re-use of public sector information;
* Digital Content Directive - Directive (EU) 2019/770 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services;
* Enforcement Directive - Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights;
* Portability Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2017/1128 on cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market;
* Right to repair;
* Fair Share InitiativeAddress
Head Office
Kreupelstraat 33
Dilbeek 1703
Kreupelstraat 33
Dilbeek 1703
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 1 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
None declared
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Other organisations, public or mixed entities
None declared
Member organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Interests represented
Advances interests of their clients
Closed financial year
Sep 2023 - Aug 2024
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
Major contributions in closed year
None declared
Clients for closed financial year
Clients list
Name Proposal Amount coalition for creativity * Digital Single Market measures (e.g. DCDSM, EMFA, AI Act, Fair Share) 0€ - 10,000€ Clients for current financial year
Clients list
Name coalition for creativity Other financial info
Information Labs is an initiative run by N-square, a Brussels based consultancy, part of KDC Group. Website management & graphics are done by Square-up Agency, part of KDC Group. Our labs are organised per theme and aim at generating constructive discussions based on facts and research. Our objective is to identify challenges and possible solutions in key information-related areas by collaborating with and connecting experts and practitioners across sectors, disciplines, and geographies.
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
None declared
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
podcasts; roundtables; mailings; events
Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings