Human Waters and Rivers Association

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No longer registered as of 29 Jul 2023 - Registration as it was on 28 Jul 2022
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Lobbying Costs

None declared

None declared

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

1.05 Fte (6)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    Human Waters and Rivers Association   (CNERH)

    EU Transparency Register

    008187647274-30 First registered on 28 Jul 2022

    Goals / Remit

    The rivers, ponds, lakes, water bodies and canals of France and Europe are the result of the long reciprocal influence of nature and society, in a history that has lasted for several millennia. The water in our environment is a natural and cultural, social and economic phenomenon: all these dimensions are intertwined, and only an integrative, global and open vision will make it possible to support sustainable development.

    In order to achieve these objectives, CNERH will produce information files and documents for the attention of administrations, elected officials, the media and the public. It will inform the water agencies on each major river basin and will ensure that public policies really guarantee sustainable and balanced water management.

    Main EU files targeted

    The EU legislative proposals and policies targeted are related to water management in its globality: environmental impact, energy potential, biodiversity, water pollution, water amenities, irrigation, flooding...


    Head Office
    Le Moulin 4 rue de la Bourre
    Arbois 39600
    EU Office
    Le Moulin 4 rue de la Bourre
    Arbois 39600


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time

    0 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 15 Jan 2025

    Name Start date End Date
    Elodie DENIZART 23 Sep 2022 14 Aug 2023

    Complementary Information

    CNERH is managed by a small group of people working in different parts of France, in permanent contact with members, active on the ground (local authorities, associations, private owners...). Signatories of CNERH charter are about 50 all around France, and the number is still growing, following the lobbying activities in France.
    The objective is to ally with other NGOs and associations in other Member States, sharing the same vision on balanced and sustainable management of water ressource.

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Other organisations, public or mixed entities

  • Networking


    None declared

    Member organisations

    ASMQ Association de sauvegarde des moulins du Querçy
    Association Moulins du Cérou (81)
    Energie et Développement (19)
    ARAM Association régionale des amis des moulins d'Auvergne
    ASVM moulins à eau du Pas de Calais
    MFE Moulins au fil de l'eau (02)
    AAS des moulins de la Mayenne
    ADAMI Association départementale des amis des moulins de l'Indre
    ADM 28 Les Amis des moulins d'Eure et Loire
    ADSVO Association de défense et de sauvegarde de la vallée de l'Oudon (53)
    APACML Association des Producteurs autonomes du Centre et de la Moyenne Loire
    ASME 41 Association de sauvegarde des moulins du Loir et Cher
    ASMR Association de sauvegarde des moulins et rivières de la Sarthe
    ASNA Association Sèvre Nantaise et affluents
    Association de défense des riverains de la Colmont et ses affluents (50)
    Association de sauvegarde de l'Ernée (53)
    Association de sauvegarde des moulins de la Loire (42)
    Association des moulins du Morvan et de la Nièvre
    Association des riverains de l'Erve du Treulon et de la Vaige
    Collectif de sauvegarde du site de l'étang du Pont-Kerlan
    SEVL Syndicat des propriétaires et exploitants d'étangs du Val de Loire
    Syndicat des étangs de la Mayenne et de la Sarthe
    SYPOVE Syndicat étangs Poitou-Vendée
    ADM 61 Amis des moulins de l'Orne
    AMA 01 Association des Amis des moulins de l'Ain
    AMA Association de sauvegarde des moulins Ardennais
    APJLR Association des Parcs et Jardins du Languedoc-Roussillon
    ARTOPOS Patrimoine jardin Paysage
    ASA Canal d'irigation du Mazauric (Cévennes)
    ASL Canal de Baza (Association syndicale libre)
    ASMBR Association Sauvegarde Moulins du Bas-Rhin
    Association de défense des digues et du Chassezac
    Association de sauvegarde des moulins du Jura et de Franche Comté
    Association Sauvons nos rivières Beaume-Drobie (07)
    Bambouseraie de PRAFRANCE (SAS)
    ARPOHC Association des riverains et propriétaires d'ouvrages hydro du Chatillonnais
    Association de valorisation du patrimoine Hydroélectrique de Normandie
    Association des amis des moulins de la Haute Marne
    Fédération EAF (Electricité autonome de française)
    Association Hydrauxois

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    None declared

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    None declared

    Major contributions in closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for current year

    None declared

    Closed year Costs

    None declared

    Other financial info

    The collective of actors CNERH is lead by volunteer people.

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)


    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    The first mission that CNERH has set itself is dictated by the urgency: to put an end to the current policy of irreparable destruction of structures in the name of ecological continuity.

    This destruction, condemned by the residents of these structures, is a serious error, unprecedented and without equivalent, with regard to the stakes of climate change, the loss of biodiversity, the energy transition and the preservation of water resources. The ability to break this deadlock will be the first measure of the willingness of public policies to promote human waters and rivers and to meet the challenges of quantitative and qualitative water management.

    The CNERH charter is neither a label, nor a guarantee, nor a promotional tool: it first commits those who sign it to contribute to a common, sincere, loyal and sustainable work, for a shared vision of water and people.

    The signatories of CNERH charter commit themselves to :
    - Protect the quality of the water, the biodiversity of all natural or artificial aquatic and wetland ecosystems, fauna and flora that are threatened today.
    - To guarantee the control of quantitative water management (floods and drought periods with concern for low water support),
    - Maintain, develop the uses (hydroelectricity, fish farming, irrigation, leisure), transmit the hydraulic built heritage: mills, ponds, water bodies, canals, forges, reservoirs...
    - Promote the use of water as a strategic and precious resource in a situation of climate change and as part of the energy transition.
    - Enable local residents to participate more in decision-making, particularly with regard to taking into account the multifunctional nature of surface waters: economy, culture, leisure, landscape, safety.
    - To work towards the sustainability of living organisms by reconciling environmental, social and economic issues.

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    None declared

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