European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

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Lobbying Costs


Financial year: Jan 2016 - Dec 2016

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

1 Fte (2)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    European Confederation of Junior Enterprises   (JADE)

    EU Transparency Register

    595764225308-86 First registered on 03 Jan 2017

    Goals / Remit

    JADE is the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises, non-profit civil social organizations formed and managed solely by university students, providing services for companies, institutions and society, under the guidance of teachers and professionals with the goal to consolidate and enhance the learning of the members. JEs are company-like structures, using the principles of corporate governance like executive boards and own regulation. JADE supports the development of students by empowering them and with the opportunity to run a company while studying. By ensuring effective communication, JADE advocates for students’ needs at EU level, contributes to debates at European, national and local level. JADE also supports entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education via different channels as meetings, workshops and provision of a network.
    The activities are expected to have impact both in short run and in the medium/long run.
    The short run goal, by providing students with soft and hard skills, JADE empowers them and allows them to become more employable in front of the job market. Also, by creating international exchange platforms, JADE allows for the creation of international relationships and exchanges.
    In the medium/long run, we envisage the following goals:
    -Improved employability of the European youth by delivering the skills and network required by the job market, therefore reducing youth unemployment in Europe
    -reduced skills gap by providing students with the set of skills required by the job market after consultation with private companies
    -spread of entrepreneurial skills and mindset leading to the transformation of Europe into an entrepreneurial society, via the promotion of entrepreneurial role models as well as the practical use of entrepreneurial skills in the management of the Junior Enterprise
    -improved sense of belonging to the EU among youth, as well as promotion of international cooperation and collaboration on international projects
    -recognition of the Junior Enterprise concept at European level and consequent access to the model for more students in Europe
    -policy-making including the youth’s perspective and needs, via representation of youth and junior entrepreneurs in front of the European and national organizations.

    Main EU files targeted

    JADE follows especially the European commissions New Skills Agenda, Erasmus+, Entrecomp and Small Business Act.
    JADE supports the New Skill Agenda through the improvement of quality and relevance of skill formation within university students all over Europe. Our member organisations have standardized processes for student workshops and projects. Further our members – and JADE itself – take continuously great efforts in improvement of the processes and to update the learning materials. These efforts allow us to make the skills of our member students more visible and comparable. Through the network students from different career levels and from different international backgrounds get in contact with each other and this gives them the opportunity to get informal information for better career choices. But also, regular company presentations during events show students which skills are needed for applications. The responsibily students get in their occupations as board member, project manager, event manager etc. Enables them to develop entrepreneurial skills and an innovation-oriented mind-set.

    JADE follows Erasmus+:
    -The employability of young people is addressed through activities that foster the development of competences and skills through non-formal education.
    -The empowerment of young people in society is addressed through the fostering of capabilities for students, who got to know their impact in decision-making processes.
    -The personal, socio-educational and professional development of young people in Europe is addressed through the internal projects of the JEs, which encourage to learn outside traditional learning environments. Also JADE implemented an academy with topics adjusted to the needs of students to be prepared for the job market.
    -The development of youth work at European, national and regional levels is addressed through the work experiences students can make in projects with companies, but also in internal projects for the development of JEs.
    -JADE contributes to the debate on issues affecting young people and youth organisations through being the voice on European level for their members (JE), but also student entrepreneurs and students in general.
    -The promotion of intercultural learning, the respect of diversity, and the values of solidarity, equal opportunities and human rights among young people in Europe is addressed through the regular meetings, which brings together the member JEs from within the EU but also from Brazil, Canada and Tunesia. Also, cross-national projects foster intercultural learning.
    -As non-profit organizations, our members promote the inclusion of all students independent of their families’ social status and origin.
    JADE follows the definitions and recommendations for action from the Entrecomp study, and supports the goals defined in the small business act. So does JADE promote entrepreneurship among students (who will be workforce soon). In the international network students learn to lead company-like organisations in the real world, they learn about financial sources (grants, cooperations, investorship) and develop a innovation-oriented mind-set.


    Head Office
    51 Avenue du Frioul
    Evere 1140
  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    No lobbyists with EP accreditations

    Complementary Information

    None declared

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Mr Yann Camus (President)

    Person with legal responsibility

    Mr Krisztian Ivan (Treasurer)

  • Categories


    III - Non-governmental organisations


    Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar

  • Networking


    None declared

    Member organisations

    -Our member in Germany is BDSU - Bundesverband Deutscher Studentischer Unternehmensberatungen ( They describe themselves: We offer consulting, a platform, open exchange, an interface between science and business. A network, quality, niveau, professionalism and entrepreneurial thinking. We are students. We are BDSU. The 5 board members of BDSU working on the strategical aims and on their operational implementation. The board members are students from junior enterprises all over Germany.
    - CNJE - Confédération Nationale des Junior-Entreprises ( is our member in France. They define their mission as following: Assisting and training Junior Entrepreneurs, ensuring compliance with the quality criteria of the Junior-Enterprises Movement, promoting the Junior-Enterprise brand and the Junior Entrepreneur profile and finally disseminating entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit.
    - our Spanish member is CEJE - Confederación Española de Junior Empresas ( Their mission: Be a leading national movement present in all Spanish universities, dedicated to connecting the university environment with the business world. Our members, young university students, will use the entrepreneurial culture and the theoretical-practical training to be better prepared in the performance of their competences in the labor market, both for own account and for others.
    -Our Swedish member is HandelsConsulting - HHGS HandelsConsulting AB ( They describe themselves: We are convinced that there is a clear exchange between students and companies in a way that makes one party's challenge to the other party the opportunity. Students can get practical experiances while in a flexible manner to help various organizations with the challenges and issues affecting the School's areas of expertise. For companies and the public sector, this represents a unique opportunity to take advantage of fresh expertise of the School and get advice in matters which may be crucial to continued growth, stability and continuous development.
    -JADE Austria - Austrian Confederation of Junior Enterprises is our mrmber in Austria ( They say about themselves: We help students to gain experience in the field of practical experience, to develop themselves and to expand their personal networks. The board members working on the strategical aims and on their operational implementation.
    -JADE Belgium - Belgian federation of Junior Enterprises ( is our member in Belgium. Thrir goal is: Form and support Junior Enterprises to ensure to their customers a high level of quality by an audit program and the organization of strategic and national meetings. Represent the Belgian Junior Enterprises internationally, by the politics & press and by the partners, companies and public organizations.
    -JADE Italia - Confederazione Italiana delle Junior Enterprise ( is our Italian member. They define their purpose as following: The purpose of a JE is to slowly get closer to the world of work; members, through experiences and mistakes, will refine more and more the organization, in order to prove valid and abandon the Junior Initiative status. In order to facilitate this process of formation JADE Italy continues to offer new programs to simplify things.
    -JADE Poland ( is our member in Poland. JADE Poland managed to create a motivated and harmonious team that had an opportunity to develop the idea of student consulting in Poland through gaining experience and skills from the projects for Polish and international businesses and through promotion of the values of Junior Enterprises.
    -JADE Portugal ( is our member in Portugal. JADE Portugal, as a Junior Business Federation, exists to disseminate, defend, support and represent the Portuguese junior enterprises and to be the link between its members, fostering cooperation between the federated JE and participating in the educational action in the fields of human, culture, students of higher education.
    -JADE Romania ( is our member in Romania. They say about themselves: We create junior enterprises that believe in junior entrepreneurs.
    -JADE Switzerland ( is our Swiss member. Their purpose is: Be the link between Swiss JEs.
    -Next - Junior Enterprise ( is our member in Croatia. NEXT mission is to connect a team of creative and innovative students to their commitment to improve business clients.
    -Unipartners ( is our member in The Netherlands. UniPartners is an innovative concept in the world of consulting. We combine academic knowledge with practical and professional approach. This process results in studies and opinions of high quality level.
    -WBC UK - Westminster Business Consultants ( ) is our member from England. They say about themselves: The professional development of students and running as financially self-sustaining department within the University of Westminster.

  • Financial Data

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2016 - Dec 2016

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year


    EU grant income for closed financial year

    25,842 € (Source: Erasmus+)

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)

    JADE participates actively in Eu structures and platforms, especially in expert groups organised by the European commission. JADE Participates in Digicomp and Entrecomp.



    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    JADE participates actively in the Generations Club and hosts this event once a year. This event is organised to bring experts from different generations together for a specific topic. These experts are representatives of the European commission, representatives of the private sector, professors, students and entrepreneurs. The results and insights of debates are summarized in a report, later published by JADE.
    Further, JADE is a partner of ‘The European Sting’, a online magazine which publishes news about EU initiatives and the impact on Entrepreneurship. The magazine is independent and has the vision to provide factual journalism about European matters and to secure a better European Democracy. JADE member write article for the magazine and JADE publishes the articles on their social network pages to raise the European awareness. JADE is also partner from Politico, a magazine focused on EU matters. JADE member regularly attend events from Politico, as policy exchnage and EPC events.

    Other activities

    Our members also contributing to policy making on the national level. We are regularly holding a session on EBS. We are also invited as expert speakers on numerous occasions during the year.

  • Meetings


    1 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 18 Jul 2017 Location Brussels
      Subject Entrepreneurship
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Rodrigo Ballester (Cabinet member)
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