European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

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No longer registered as of 06 Apr 2016 - Registration as it was on 30 Mar 2015
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The following entries are flagged as duplicates of this organisation: 851434349067-94 948840125244-03


Lobbying Costs

None declared

Financial year: Jan 2013 - Dec 2013

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

1.75 Fte (7)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism   (EFNCP)

    EU Transparency Register

    548545513412-29 First registered on 08 Apr 2014

    Goals / Remit

    We work to:

    • Reverse the decline of the low-intensity farming types that most benefit biodiversity across Europe at the landscape scale, summarised in the term High Nature Value (HNV) farming.
    • Make these farming types socially, economically and environmentally sustainable at the farm and landscape scales in order to conserve European biodiversity and wider ecosystem services.
    • Improve understanding, through research and local projects, of the policy, socio-economic and cultural interactions that are key factors in the creation of a sustainable future for HNV farming.
    • Develop, test and promote innovative policy solutions through case-studies and dialogue with local and EU partners.
    • Enable networking and dialogue, especially between actors from the environmental and farming worlds who traditionally have not found common ground.
    • Engage with EU policy processes, especially on the Biodiversity Strategy and CAP, and improve implementation and integration of these at national and regional levels.

    Main EU files targeted

    Engagement with CAP reform process.
    Engagement with Biodiversity Strategy and related topics.
    Engagement with Enlargement in SE Europe
    Engagement with DG Sanco issues relating to agriculture and food.


    Head Office
    Llanfair Clydogau
    Lampeter SA48 8LJ
  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    No lobbyists with EP accreditations

    Complementary Information

    None declared

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Mr Guy Beaufoy (Senior Policy Manager)

    Person with legal responsibility

    Mr Gwyn Jones (Chief Executive)

  • Categories


    III - Non-governmental organisations


    Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar

  • Networking


    None declared

    Member organisations

    Asociacion Cultural Pastoral Arkide(20),
    Asociacon de Ganaderos Trashumantes de Asturias(50),
    Asociacion Pastores por el Monte Mediterraneo(100),
    Asociatia Microregionala Pogany-havas(0),
    Borders Foundation for Rural Sustainability(0),
    Bihar Termeszetvedelmi Es Kulturalis Ertekorzo Kozalapitvany(0),
    Brodsko Ekolosko Drusko drustvo(160),
    Bureau Natcons(0),
    Burrenbeo Teoranta(0),
    Butterfly Conservation(19100),
    Butterfly Conservation Europe(0),
    Conservatoire Etudes des Ecosystemes de Provence-Alpes du Sud(0),
    Chillingham Wild Cattle Association(400),
    De Vlinderstichting(5600),
    Developing the West Together(0),
    Deutscher Verban fuer Landschaftspflege(0),
    European Centre for Nature Conservation(0),
    Sihasutus Eestimaa Looduse Fond(0),
    Fieldfare International Ecological Development(0),
    Foreningen Sveriges Fabodbrukare(60),
    Fundatia Adept Transilvania(0),
    Grazing Advice Partnership(0),
    Highland Foundation for Wildlife(0),
    Instituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica(0),
    Kiskunsagi Termezetvedelmi Nonprofit Zrt.(0),
    Latvijas Dabas Fonds(0),
    Lietuvos Gamtos Fondas(0),
    Liga para a proteccoa da natureza(6179),
    Makedonsko Ekolosko Drustvo(50),
    Manx Chough Project(0),
    National Trust(3930000),
    North Pennines AONB(0),
    Norsk Seterkultur(500),
    Open Spaces Society(2221),
    Parankoosluste Kaitse Uhing(232),
    Pro Vertes Zartkoruen Mukoko Nonprogit Reszvenytarasag(0),
    Scottish Crofting Federation(1900),
    Svenska Naturskyddforeningen(200000),
    Stichting Natuur en Milieu(0),
    Weideverein Taurus(0),
    WWF DCP(0),
    WWF Hungary(0),
    WWF Sweden(0),
    Zold Folyoso Kozalapitvany(0)

  • Financial Data

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2013 - Dec 2013

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    None declared

    EU grant income for closed financial year

    29,121 € (Source: DG Enlargement)

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)



    Civil Dialogue Groups of DG Agri
    ENRD committees

    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities


    Other activities

    Engagement with CAP reform process.
    Engagement with Biodiversity Strategy and related topics.
    Engagement with Enlargement in SE Europe
    Engagement with DG Sanco issues relating to agriculture and food.

  • Meetings


    None declared

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