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Lobbying Costs
Financial year: Jan 2018 - Dec 2018
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.25 Fte (1)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd (BOSMAL)
EU Transparency Register
096532124990-57 First registered on 16 Dec 2016
Goals / Remit
BOSMAL — formed in 1972 and strategically located near several key European engine and vehicle manufacturing centers — is a state-of-the-art testing and R&D facility providing comprehensive services in the area of engine and fuel technology, as well as other automotive technologies.
• R&D services for the automotive and fuel industries
• Homologation of vehicles
• Powertrain:
- LD / HD engine calibration, validation, testing, development
- Hybrid powertrain development
- Fuel (gasoline, diesel, bio-fuel, fuel’s additives, LPG, CNG) and engine oil development
- Fuel and engine validation tests
• Electric and hybrid vehicles development
• LD and HD vehicle fleet testing
• Chassis and body testing
• Interior and exterior parts testing
• Environmental performance testing
• Metrological services
• Model manufacturing & prototyping
• Design, construction, calculation
• Scientific research and other activities
BOSMAL testing laboratories conform to the certification requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, PN-EN ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Management System PN-EN ISO 14001:2015, PN-ISO 45001:2018, AQAP 2110.Main EU files targeted
BOSMAL is a limited company offering a wide range of services to the automotive industry. Services offered range from prototyping and small-scale production to materials testing, emissions testing, vehicle testing, type approval of vehicles and their components and technical consultancy, among others. Various departments carry out R&D activities (mainly – but not exclusively – for paying customers), often employing the test methods in the latest version of EU legislation in the relevant area. Exhaust emissions are a significant part of the work which BOSMAL performs and BOSMAL staff closely follow developments in the EU automotive legislative landscape as concerns emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles and their engines. As a company with multiple customers who have to meet exhaust emissions limits and fleet average CO2 emissions limits, monitoring legislation in that area is of importance to BOSMAL in being able to assist customers in meeting their goals and plan for the future.
Specifically, BOSMAL pays special attention to all legislation on exhaust emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles: Directive 2007/46/EC, Regulation 715/2007/EC, Regulation 692/2008/EC, Regulation (EU) 2016/427, Regulation 595/2009/EC, Commission Regulation (EU) 582/2011 and the recently released Regulations on the WLTP and RDE testing: Commission Regulations 2017/1151, 2017/1152, 2017/1153, 2017/1154 and 2018/1832, as well as HD PEMS & ISC requirements: Commission Regulation (EU) 582/2011 with all updates up to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1939. Given their importance to the aforementioned topics, Directive 2009/28/EC and Directive 2009/30/EC are also of interest and all amendments to these pieces of legislation would be closely followed. As some of BOSMAL’s work extends to sectors beyond road transport, Directive (EU) 2016/802 is also of interest.
Projects carried out using research grants and BOSMAL’s own scientific funds also rely (to various extents) on EU legislation as a source of test methods and a source of general information on the wider policy aims of legislation and the test types and limits imposed.Address
Head Office
Sarni Stok 93
Bielsko-Biala 43-300
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 1 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
One employee - the applicant to WLTP 2nd group - Dr. Piotr Bielaczyc, Engine Research Department Manager
Person in charge of EU relations
Mr Piotr Bielaczyc (Engine Research Department Manager)
Person with legal responsibility
Mr Arkadiusz Stojecki (Managing director)
II - In-house lobbyists and trade/business/professional associations
Companies & groups
• POLLAB Polish Testing Laboratories Club
link to webpage:
• Polish Forum ISO 9000 Club
link to webpage:
• Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
link to webpage:
• Polish Committee for Standardization
link to webpage:
• Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing
link to webpage:
• Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies
link to webpage: organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Closed financial year
Jan 2018 - Dec 2018
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
Other financial info
None declared
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Working Group on Motor Vehicles#E01295 # #Not a member #C#Advisory Group on Vehicle Emission Standards (AGVES)
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
BOSMAL is a class B research organisation (according to the Polish national classification system) whose employees publish frequent papers in the scientific press and attend a range of technical conferences, meetings and workshops in a range of countries. Projects undertaken with research grants are typically reported in peer-reviewed papers as well as at conferences. In addition, BOSMAL has organised and hosted its own scientific events (two of which have involved staff from JRC Ispra): five events focusing on exhaust emissions and engines; a workshop on particulate emissions; a workshop on in-vehicle air quality; as well as others. Further events of this type are planned for the years 2018-2020. Summing up, a large proportion of BOSMAL’s activity in this area has been related to exhaust emissions and closely related topics, but other fields of operation and scientific inquiry have also been represented.
One member of BOSMAL's staff participates in UNECE The Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) meetings in Geneva as a representative of the Republic of Poland.Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings