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Lobbying Costs
None declared
None declared
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.5 Fte (2)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Public Affairs Community of Europe (P.A.CE.)
EU Transparency Register
027037628551-18 First registered on 05 Oct 2017
Goals / Remit
PACE is a Europe-wide community of National Lobbyists Associations and public affairs professionals committed with the enhancement of the positive role that transparent lobbying can provide to democratic participation.
The Public Affairs Community of Europe (PACE), gathers 15 national associations of lobbyists and public affairs professionals across Europe.
PACE is committed with the values of Transparency and Professionalism.
PACE wants to raise attention of the European institutions and the national Governments on the critical importance of fostering a balanced framework of rights and obligations for lobbyists across Europe.
PACE believes it is crucial to keep high the attention on Lobbying – Transparency – Professionalism, especially with regard to a definition of lobbying that must be comprehensive and non-discriminatory. PACE also strongly stresses the positive role that transparent lobbying can provide on democracy participation.
Pace urges European and National authorities to pay particular attention to the sensitive issue of lobbying activities and is ready to support them by providing its professionalism and expertise.Main EU files targeted
Transparency Register;
Regulation of lobbying acroos Europe;
Recommendation on legal regulations of lobbying;Address
Head Office
Via Pian di Sco' 26
Rome 00139
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 2 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
None declared
Person in charge of EU relations
Ms Micol Bertoni (Secretary General)
Person with legal responsibility
Ms Maria Rosa ROTONDO (President)
III - Non-governmental organisations
Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar
None declared
Member organisations
PACE gathers 15 National associations representing PA professionals and agencies in Europe, out of which:
13 are national Associations based in the European Union:
Austria - OEPAV
Bulgaria - Bulgarian Association of Public Affairs Specialists
Cyprus - Association of Lobbyists & Public Affairs Professionals - LPAP
Croatia - Croatian Lobbyist Association
Czech Republic - Association of Public Affairs agencies - APAA
Estonia - Association of Public Affairs Professionals
France - Association Française des Conseils en Lobbying - AFCL
Germany - De’ge’pol
Italy - Il Chiostro
Romania - Romanian Lobbying Registry Association – RLRA
The Netherlands - Dutch Association of Public Affairs - BVPA
Slovenia - Association of Public Affairs Professionals
Spain - Asociación de profesionales de las relaciones institucionales - APRI
2 are national associations based in Europe:
Serbia - The Serbian Lobbying Society - LSA
Switzerland - Swiss Society of Public Affairs - SSPA
PACE also represents 3 additional individual members (PA professionals and agencies) located in Countries where no national associations still exist.
Pace individual members are fully committed to create in a short time a national organization.
In particular:
Nr. 2 are based in the European Union:
Nr. 1 is located in Europe:
Montenegro -
Financial Data
Closed financial year
None declared
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
None declared
Other financial info
None declared
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
Other activities
PACE was aufdited as key stakeholder at the Council of Europe (European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ), to discuss about the draft recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the legal regulation of lobbying activities in the context of public decision-making
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings