Bureau International du Béton Manufacturé

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Registration as it was on 06 Aug 2024
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Lobbying Costs

50,000€ - 99,999€

Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

1 Fte (3)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    Bureau International du Béton Manufacturé   (BIBM)

    EU Transparency Register

    07055806769-32 First registered on 23 Sep 2011

    Goals / Remit

    The objects of the association are to:
    - develop and encourage international co-operation in the scientific, technical and standardisation fields;
    - form a reference contact body for European and international, nongovernmental and official government agencies and authorities;
    - contribute to the promotion of precast concrete products.
    For that purpose, the B.I.B.M.:
    - organises or contributes to the organisation of congresses, conferences, seminars, meetings, missions or study visits;
    - drafts and disseminates or contributes to the drafting and to the dissemination of scientific, technical and promotional documents, in a written or electronic format;
    - seeks alliances, whenever necessary or desirable, with other associations or organisations, in order to achieve its objects;
    - funds, or contributes to the funding, of scientific and/or technical studies and works, all in the fields concerning it.
    The above list is not exhaustive.

    Main EU files targeted

    - Green Deal
    - Construction Products Regulation
    - Level(s)
    - Sustainable finance taxonomy
    - Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
    - Circular Economy
    - Renovation wave
    - Building Emission Trade System
    - Sustainable Products Initiative
    - Construction and Demolition Waste Package
    - Extended Producer Responsibility
    - Adaptation to climate change
    - Product Environmental footprint
    - Green Public Procurement


    Head Office
    Rue d'Arlon, 556th Floor
    Brussels 1040
    EU Office
    Rue d'Arlon, 556th Floor
    Brussels 1040


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time

    2 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 08 Sep 2024

    Name Start date End Date
    Ebru Akgün 24 Feb 2024 21 Feb 2025
    Magdalena HERBIK 24 Feb 2024 21 Feb 2025
    Alessio RIMOLDI 06 Sep 2023 06 Sep 2024
    Ebru Akgün 20 Apr 2023 11 Mar 2024
    Magdalena HERBIK 11 Mar 2023 11 Mar 2024
    Alessio RIMOLDI 13 Sep 2022 06 Sep 2023
    Magdalena HERBIK 12 Mar 2022 11 Mar 2023
    Alessio RIMOLDI 19 Dec 2019 19 Dec 2020
    Magdalena HERBIK 31 Jul 2019 31 Jul 2020
    Ms Arianna DE ANGELIS 30 Apr 2019 18 Jul 2019
    Alessio RIMOLDI 27 Oct 2018 26 Oct 2019
    Alessio RIMOLDI 31 Aug 2017 22 Aug 2018
    Ms Zsuzsa KOUBAA 31 Aug 2017 23 Aug 2018
    Ms Zsuzsa TÓTH 22 Aug 2016 02 Aug 2017
    Alessio RIMOLDI 22 Aug 2016 02 Aug 2017
    Ms Zsuzsa TÓTH 16 Jul 2015 14 Jul 2016
    Alessio RIMOLDI 16 Jul 2015 14 Jul 2016
    Ms Zsuzsa TÓTH 18 Jul 2014 16 Jul 2015
    Alessio RIMOLDI 26 Jul 2014 16 Jul 2015
    Mrs Zsuzsa TÓTH 18 Jul 2014 27 Jan 2015
    Alessio RIMOLDI 27 Aug 2013 18 Jul 2014
    Mrs Zsuzsa TÓTH 27 Jul 2013 18 Jul 2014
    Alessio RIMOLDI 10 Nov 2012 12 Sep 2013
    Mrs Zsuzsa TÓTH 10 Nov 2012 27 Jul 2013
    Alessio RIMOLDI 16 Nov 2011 01 Nov 2012
    Mrs Zsuzsa TÓTH 16 Jan 2012 10 Nov 2012

    Complementary Information

    None declared

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Trade and business associations

  • Networking


    Construction 2050 Alliance: https://euconstruction2050.eu/
    CPE - Construction Products Europe: https://www.construction-products.eu/
    Concrete Europe: https://www.concrete-europe.eu/
    EMA - European Masonry Alliance
    GCCA - Global Cement and Concrete Association: https://gccassociation.org/
    Industry4Europe: https://www.industry4europe.eu/
    NEPSI - European Network for the Prevention of Crystalline Silica: https://www.nepsi.eu/
    REACH Alliance

    Member organisations

    None declared

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    50,000€ - 99,999€

    Major contributions in closed year

    Grant RiskAdapt (101093939) 22,500€
    Grant Exploit4Innomat (101092339) 69,531€

    Major contributions in current year

    Grant RiskAdapt (101093939) 22,500€
    Grant Exploit4Innomat (101092339) 69,531€

    Intermediaries for closed year

    cerib 10,000€ - 24,999€

    Intermediaries for current year

    None declared

    Closed year Costs

    50,000€ - 99,999€

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)

    None declared

    Groups (European Parliament)

    Competitive European Industry: long-term and sustainable investment,Urban

    Communication activities

    Little green book of concrete
    BIBM Decarbonisation pledge

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    1 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: https://commissioners.ec.europa.eu/index_en All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 18 Mar 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Circular Economy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
      Portfolio Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
      • Heidi Jern (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
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